Jakob is 1 month old!

July 26, 2011
One month has already gone by since Jakob arrived and it's been a complete whirlwind every day. He is a chubby little thing now and it seems like all he does is eat! He is hungry every 2 hours on the dot! I was a little worried that he wasn't getting enough milk but he is packing on the weight and his diapers are always overflowing so I guess he's fine. He's just growing a lot! You can really tell in his face...it is super chubby! I love his little cheeks and he gets tons of kisses on them!

He has been spending more time playing on his crib gym and his bouncer which now has the toy bar attached. He loves the mobile in his crib and has (sort of) figured out the batting thing. It's just so different this time around since I'm always distracted by something Noah is getting into. I just don't have the focus or time to watch every little thing Jakob does or plan out his day like I did with Noah. We just kind of go with it and if I think of something (like the crib gym) then I'll put him in it but for the most part we are just all over the place. I hope he learns how to pick things up on his own because that's probably how it's going to be. Maybe I should make up a better schedule of things for both of them to do so they are getting some kind of good structured time of learning in each day. Right now I just feel like we are just trying to keep everyone fed, clean, and trying to get them to sleep!

Now for a horrible/hilarious story about Noah and Jakob:

I haven't told anyone this except for Matt so if you haven't heard you aren't the only one. He told me I shouldn't tell anyone else because it would embarrass Noah too much but I can't help it. It was the craziest thing I have ever experienced with kids (including the "Noah throwing up in the middle of the crowded restaurant ordeal"). So, Noah really loves to go whenever Jakob is so he always wants to go with me to change Jakob's diaper. He was sitting on the changing table with Jakob as usual helping me change him. Just for visual help Noah was sitting at my right hand side and Jakob's head was at my left hand side so Jakob's rear end was facing Noah. We were cleaning him up and were almost done. I had the new diaper in my hand to put it on and Noah grabbed the diaper rash creme and said "medicine?" That's what we call it. So I moved the diaper and put some "medicine" on Jakob just to make Noah happy. Once I was done with that I started to put the diaper back on. Jakob then started to poop a little bit (no big deal that happens all the time) so I reached over to grab another wipe to clean him up before the new diaper went on. That was when all hell broke loose...literally. I'm still not even sure how it was physically possible but at that exact time Jakob decided to projectile poop like it was shot out of a cannon. A huge stream of poop shot across the room (or would have if Noah's face wouldn't have been in the way). It hit Noah square in the right eye, covered his face, his shirt, and his shorts, oh, and the wall. I was in complete shock! Poor Noah was too! He immediately started gagging so I grabbed whatever I could find and tried to clean up his face. I would give anything to have a picture of it but I couldn't leave him like that. I mean, his entire face was covered with runny yellow baby poop. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even see Noah through the tears! He so didn't understand what was funny at all! Noah was not laughing! I finally pulled myself together enough to throw Noah in the bathtub and wrap Jakob in a towel while Noah took a bath. Only two words can describe this incident...COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS!! It will be a fun one to tell a future girlfriend...

Jakob - one month old!

Mommy and Jakob hanging out outside while Noah played the one day it was nice enough to go out.

Brothers holding hands...I love their chubby little hands

This is pretty typically...Noah with the Ipod and Jakob in some weird and completely unsafe place asleep

Noah at breakfast...the trucks traveled from the bed to the kitchen as usual. At least the airplane can double as a drink holder.

3 Weeks Old

July 17, 2011
Jakob finally got his pictures taken on his 3 week birthday! More to come!

Well, I have survived 3 full weeks of having two little ones at home. Honestly, it really hasn't been all that hard. I think that the transition from having no kids to 1 kid is WAY harder than going from 1 to 2. The first one is kind of a shock to the system but you pretty much have it down when the second one comes along. Everything has been much easier this time around and I'm enjoy having a little baby much more than I did with Noah. Not that I didn't enjoy Noah, I was just really stressed about every little thing with him. With Jakob, I feel much more relaxed.

Jakob is still a very easy baby. He's not sleeping as much as he was the first couple of weeks but he's not doing too bad. He'll go for about 4 1/2 hours at night between feedings but once 4:00 am hits he gets cranky and uncomfortable so he doesn't sleep much between 4 and 8. It's been a little exhausting but thankfully Noah has decided to start sleeping until at least 9:30 every morning which is a complete life saver for me. He even slept until 11:30 one day last week!! That is SO not Noah! I'm not sure what the deal is but I'm very thankful! Some of Jakob's favorite things to do right now are listening to Mommy talk to him, cuddle with Mommy or Daddy (he is a cuddler unlike Noah), get in his crib and watch his mobile, and watch his brother play. He finally lost his umbilical cord this week and his circumcision is completely healed. He is definitely getting bigger and chubbier but I don't know about his weight right now. I'm sure he is probably over 9 lbs and will be out of his newborn clothes very quickly. He's a little bigger than Noah was at this age, however, the older he gets, the more he looks like Noah did as a baby.

Noah is doing great as well. Like I said, he is sleeping fabulously. Also, his eating is starting to improve a little bit. He still gets into trouble at mealtime a lot but he is slowly getting better. He is getting more particular though. If he doesn't like something, he says "Yuck! Poo Poo!" and completely refuses to eat it. He also has a new, completely out-of-control, obsession with trucks, cars, buses, and pretty much anything else motorized. The big one is trucks. Everytime we get in the car all I hear is "Big trucks!" "More trucks! "Where's the big trucks?!". Also, he wants to watch the "big trucks" on YouTube all the time. That's what he does when I feed Jakob. He sits at my feet on the recliner and watches all of the truck videos that we can find. His favorite right now are the trash trucks. He also has several little trucks, buses, and planes that he carries around with him everywhere he goes. They eat with him, sleep with him, and even take baths with him. He's never been one to fixate on a particular toy so I think that it's really cute!

Noah in the bath with his trucks
Holding his baby brother (this was HIGHLY supervised but Noah did great!)

Jakob STILL getting some sun --- the jaundice is still hanging around a little. Hopefully it will be gone soon!

2 Weeks Old

July 11, 2011
Jakob is already 2 weeks old now and is still doing absolutely great! We went to his 2 week check up on the 11th and he is already up to 8lbs 2oz. I seriously thought that they weighed him wrong because he gain 1 full pound in a week! He is a BIG eater and nurses about every 2 hours at this point. He is just always hungry! I guess I know why now...he was doing a lot of growing! He still has a little jaundice so we are having to keep him in the sunlight as much as possible still. It makes it a little bit hard to go anywhere or to function while we are at home because Jakob has to be in the sun. Moving him around a lot just isn't an option right now. Plus he's not loving just sitting in his bouncer all day. Poor baby! I wish this stuff would just go away!

Noah is becoming more and more interested in Jakob. He still won't say his name though and just calls him "baby". He loves to tell the baby Hi and rock him in the bouncer and try to climb all over him to give him lots of hugs and kisses. It's a full time job just trying to keep Noah off of him. However, on the flip side, Noah is getting more jealous of him too. He loves to sit in the chair with us while I nurse Jakob but he wants me to keep my arm around him too. If I move it, I can pretty much count on Noah having a complete breakdown. He also wants me to follow him around everywhere! He'll point at Jakob (or try to pick him up) and then run over to the bouncer or swing and say "baby sit". I'll say "Do you want me to put the baby down and play with you?" He says "YES! Come on!" This happens EVERY SINGLE TIME that I try to pick Jakob up or sit down and feed him. I'm really trying to make a big effort to spend as much time alone with Noah as I can so he doesn't feel too left out. He is just so used to having all of my attention all of the time so this is a BIG adjustment for him. I am very proud of him though because his behavior really isn't too bad (I expected much worse!). He is slowly learning how to sit still while I feed Jakob or just go back to his room and play while we are busy. He is such a good, sweet little boy! He loves his brother SO much!

Noah loves to put Jakob in bed with him!
Jakob's first bath at home! He wasn't a fan but he did great!

All clean -- FINALLY! We couldn't give him a bath until he was finished with the lightbox.
Yes, Noah's head really is that huge compared to Jakob's!
Aunt B and the boys!
Noah decorated his face with a combination of several shades of eye shadow and a lot of baby powder!

Gettin some sun...
Hanging out with Daddy
Sweet brothers!
Noah entertaining himself by watching Overboard while sitting in his car...
Baby Jakob - 2 weeks old

He stuck his foot up in the air and left it there forever! It was too funny...I couldn't resist getting some shots of it!

1 Week Old

July 4, 2011

Jakob's first week at home was both great and hard. He is actually doing really great and is a very easy baby. He eats great and he sleeps pretty much all the time, including the nighttime, which is nice for me. He is very very sweet and hardly ever cries. He does have a great set of lungs on him though so when he does cry you can hear him a mile away. Guess it's a really good thing that he doesn't use them much yet. When he gets to Noah's age and starts screaming all the time like Noah does it will be interesting... But, for now, Jakob is just the BEST baby in the world (and the sweetest). We are so blessed to have such a beautiful and sweet little boy!

He finally got out of the lightbox on July 3 (which made the week a little hard). He was in it for 3 days and he still has a little jaundiced look to him. We are praying that it will fully go away soon. He is still spending most of his time in the bouncer by the window to get as much sunlight as possible. Other than that he is perfect!

Noah absolutely adores him and loves to hug and kiss on him as much as I will let him. He does get pretty rough though so I have to watch him very carefully. He really likes to play with his hands and feet and pretend that Jakob is waving hi to him. Noah also loves to sit on the changing table while I change Jakob's diaper. He gets really excited when I get up from feeding him and starts running around yelling, "YEA POO-POO" over and over. He will even try to get the diaper and wipes out and clean Jakob up himself. I don't really let him do it but it's funny to see him try.

It actually hasn't been near as hard as I thought it would be to have two little ones. Noah is still pretty much the same and our routine hasn't changed much. He may have to wait a little longer for meals sometimes or sit in his room after he wakes up for a little longer than usual but nothing too major. Jakob just eats and sleeps at this point so taking care of him is a breeze. I'm really enjoying having both of them and I'm not losing my mind like I thought I would be. I LOVE seeing the two of them together and I know watching them play together as they get older will be one of my favorite things to do!

Noah messing with Jakob while I tried to take their pictures: first it was his arms...
then the buckle...
then flipping the vibrating switch on and off...
and finally his feet...at that point I gave up and moved Jakob away.

We celebrated Kelsey's birthday on the 3rd and it was Jakob's first little outing out of the house. We went to Kelsey and Cody's house for a cookout. We had a good time but I spent most of it either feeding Jakob or getting onto Noah for hitting and throwing things. It's not really the same trying to hang out with everyone when you have two kids to take care of...

Jakob hanging out with Grandma at the party
Noah playing with Aunt B

He loves his popsicles!
Birthday girl!

For July 4th we just stayed at home with the boys. Noah wasn't too fond of the fireworks this year so he went to bed before they started and Jakob spent the evening sleeping in the swing. It was kind of nice though. Matt and I just hung out and went out in the backyard to watch the fireworks while they slept. Not too exciting but perfect!

Jakob loves to sleep in his swing!

Going Home / First Days At Home

July 1, 2011

Jakob got to come home from the hospital on Tuesday, June 28. He did great in the hospital and it was nice having someone bring me meals and take the baby at night so I could sleep but we were very ready to get home with him. He was a little bit jaundiced in the hospital so his dr wanted to see him the next day to check his levels plus Noah was due for his 2 year check up so we loaded up the kiddos on Wednesday to take them both in.

Noah is growing and doing great! He is now 35" tall and weighs 29.5 lbs. He is in the 95% for his height (which we knew was going to happen eventually) and the 85% for weight. He's a big boy even though he still looks pretty trim, and he never eats anything. I have no idea how the kid grows but he is! He had to get one shot this time which wasn't too bad. He had a sucker crammed in his mouth and sort of flinched a little but by the time he realized something was going on it was over. He didn't shed one tear!

Jakob weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. He is in the 25% across the board which they said was good so he is very proportionate. His jaundice level was at 14 so it's still high. We were sent home and told to keep him in the sunlight. We also had to schedule another appointment for the next day to check them again. When we went back the next day, his level was 17 so it was back into the lights for us. De ja vu...click here to see Noah's jaudice post!

Now Jakob in spending all his time in the lights to get his jaundice under control and Noah was sent home with Grandma for a few days. The lights really aren't so bad but it is hard at night since he has to be watched 24/7 while he's in the lightbox. Not that I was getting much sleep to begin with but it's worse now.

However, this time around I feel great! I'm not really sore at all and I pretty much feel like myself already. I'm a little tired but I don't feel completely out of it like I did with Noah. I guess I'm pretty used to not sleeping much at this point. Honestly, I feel a ton better now than I did the last week I was pregnant. I'm very thankful to have had such an easy delivery and recovery process. It just made things so much easier and enjoyable. So far, Jakob has been a breeze, I'm feeling great, Noah is a handful but I've had a little break since he's with Grandma so I'm very happy with how things are going. We are enjoying having Jakob at home SO much!!! He is just the sweetest baby in the entire world and all I want to do is just hold him. I am so thankful to have him in my life!

Getting ready to go home!

They both passed out almost immediately once the car started moving! So cute!

Welcome Home Jakob!

Grandma and the boys...

Noah being a stinker at the Dr office
Jakob being a perfect baby while waiting for the Dr
and Noah going nuts and pushing Aunt B around in the carseat

Trying to get rid of the jaundice...hanging out in the lightbox