A Lot To Be Thankful For...

January 25, 2011

So, I mentioned in the last blog that we have a lot to be thankful for this year and. for those of you who don't know yet, Baby Bradshaw #2 is on the way! I guess I'll have to change the name of the blog soon...

Anyway, we found out that we were going to have another one in November and we were very excited. Noah has been such a blessing and wonderful addition to our family. We know that the next one will add even more excitement and joy to our lives. This pregnancy has been pretty much the same as with Noah. Lots of being sick for the first 3 months. Now, I am finally starting to feel a little better. At this time, I am about 16 weeks along and the due date is July 10, 2011. Exactly one month after Noah turns two. A little nervous about having a newborn and a toddler but very excited!

The only real problem I've had with this one is that I am HUGE already. I already look like I did when I was 6 months pregnant with Noah. It's really not fair but I have a lot to be thankful for so I'm trying not to complain about it. I know people that can't have kids would love to be huge with a new baby on the way. So, I'm sure that by the end of this one I'm going to have a big challenge with losing the one ton of weight that I gained.

We are finding out what the sex is on February 17 so I'll be letting you know! We can't wait to find out and will be thrilled either way.

Happy New Year!

January 15, 2010

Happy 2011 everyone! We are having a great year so far. Lots of things to be thankful for already. Noah just turned 19 months old on the 8th and is going strong. Now that we've survived Christmas, we are enjoying just hanging out with Noah and watching all the funny things he does every day. One of his new favorite activities is building tents out of blankets in the living room. This is my fault --- I started it because I thought he would like it. He did! Now it's all he wants to do. He'll drag out all the blankets and chairs, then point to them and look at me like, "Get busy and build this thing so I can play!" Here's some shots of him chillin and drinking his morning coffee in the tent:

Of course, he still loves to clean which mostly consists of him making messes then going to the cleaning closet and screaming until I get the vacuum out for him. He doesn't always win but this day he did:
Another thing we've been doing a lot of these days is painting. He loves to draw and color but always ends up eating the crayons. So I had a bright idea of switching to painting because kids don't eat watercolor paint right? Wrong! He ate it. His entire mouth was black and blue for hours after the first try so now I watch him a little closer while he has the paints out. I find this very strange since he refuses to eat food but whatever. The kid loves to eat disgusting stuff. Typical boy.

I'm going to try not to get too boring but still catch up on everything he's doing these days so I hope this doesn't sound too much like a grocery list. Here goes:

He loves to play with his big lego blocks now and is constantly dragging them out to play. When Daddy is home that's all he wants to do. Matt will stack them up as high as he can then Noah will charge it and knock it down and crack up. He'll stack them up too but it usually doesn't get very far before the urge to knock them everywhere takes over. He also loves to drive his car around and drags it to the front door everyday to go outside for a ride. He talks on the phone all the time now and everyone loves to talk to him. He gets really serious and just talks and talks. The problem is that he doesn't really say any words yet. Just a bunch of nonsense. It's really funny. Sometimes you will hear an actual "hi" "bye" "grandma" or "dada" but that's about it. He's getting better at talking but he just doesn't show much interest in it yet. I'm still hoping...

He's been going to stay with my parents for a weekend here and there lately and he's picked up some new habits. One of my "favorite" is spitting. I guess Grandpa spits a lot so now Noah spits a lot. He spits in the sink, spits on the carpet, and pretty much anytime he looks in the mirror he will spit just to watch it run down his face. Luckily, he doesn't spit on people so I guess it's okay. He just imitates everything we do these days. He's into pretend shaving like Daddy but the other day he got ahold of an actual razor and nicked his chin before I even realized he had it. He loves to drink coffee and beer. I know that sounds awful but he is obsessed with them so sometimes I'll let him have a little coffee or Matt will let him taste the beer. I thought at first he wouldn't like it so he would stop begging for a drink. But no. He loves them both.

Anyway, I'll guess I'll stop for now so this doesn't get too long and boring.

Trying to open the oven door with the can opener. Genius!

Eating peanut butter and loving it!
Video of Noah counting to three and jumping off the chair repeatedly:

Burch Family Christmas 2010

December 26, 2010

We made the trip out to Sayre again this year to celebrate Christmas with my family. It was a lot of fun. Noah had a great time on the farm as usual. He got a ton of presents, played with all of the dogs, fed the cows, rode the 4-wheeler, decorated a gingerbread man, and played with his train set. Thanks for the great Christmas everyone!

Noah's train set all decorated and running
Lounging with Daddy
Fun with Grandma...He made a HUGE mess with this one

Christmas morning...Noah was the first one up, of course, and he found his way to the presents very quickly. The first thing that he did was jump into his new car. We had a very hard time keeping him out of it until Grandma and Grandpa got there to see him ride it for the first time.
Cody and Kiki snuggling

Noah beating Hunter with his new whistle. This wasn't as funny as it looks and a few tears were shed by the end of it. Noah can be a little rough...
Cooking up some breakfast...
Future basketball star??
New hat from Aunt C and Uncle Cody
New Harley helmet on and ready to go for a ride!
Crashing with Lady on the air mattress. It was a long but fun day! Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2010

December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas everyone! Well, let's just pretend that it is a few weeks ago and it really is Christmas...
Noah had a GREAT Christmas this year. He loves opening all of the presents but got distracted by each new present that he opened so all he wanted to do by the end of it was play with all the new toys. We had our family Christmas gift opening a little bit early since we were heading out to Sayre for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Hunter and Noah both had a great time and got lots of great gifts!

Already obsessed with his new kitchen!
A shopping cart! Yea!
Lots of new clothes for Hunter
Finally a little more up to date... Matt got me a new ipod touch
Loved his new gun and wouldn't put it down
More presents???

18 Months Old

December 17, 2010

Noah is now 1 1/2 years old. He is so big that I don't even recognize him anymore. This age has been pretty exhausting, probably even more so than when he was a newborn, but he really is so much fun. He cracks me up every single day with the crazy stuff that he does. He has always had such a big personality and the older he gets the bigger it gets. We went to his 18 month check up this week and he is doing great. No shots this time which is always a good thing, and he is now weighing in at almost 26 pounds and is 30 inches tall. Here's what has been going on the past month besides holidays:

Noah got pretty sick after Halloween and developed a bad cough. It would NOT go away no matter what I did. Unfortunately, this led to him waking up every couple of hours during the night and screaming. At first I tried to keep him in his bed but he would cry and the cough was so bad that he would throw up. So this resulted in him getting into bed with us every single night. I didn't really mind him sleeping with us BUT Noah is not good at sharing a bed. Matt and I were both punched, kicked, head-butted, and rolled all over so much that we were losing our minds and nobody ever slept. After about a month of that, I had had enough. He was over the cough but now it was a bad habit. One morning, after a 4 hour stretch of being awake the night before with Noah, he pushed me over the edge. Immediately after we got up after only sleeping a few hours, he threw a bottle lid down the toilet and flushed it before I even knew what he was doing. The toilet broke needless to say, then about 10 minutes later he bit a huge mole that I have on my back and tore it completely off. It was really the first time I just wanted him away from me. That day I decided no more getting into bed with us. He was sleeping in his own room no matter what. The weirdest thing happened that night, he slept through the night with no problems. And has ever since.

Anyway, on a lighter note, Noah had been slowly getting better with the talking thing. He now at least tries to repeat what I say but it isn't all that clear yet. The funniest thing he does is count to 3. He does it before everything he does. You know that if you hear him going one, two, threeeeee, something is about to be thrown or hit and you better watch out. He has about 5 to 10 words that he will use on his own now but he still prefers his own language. I'm not stressing about it yet, I just try to talk to him slowly and get him to try to say what I'm saying. Another thing he is getting really good at are animal sounds. He does cow really well and moo's all the time. He is also slowly getting cat, dog, lion, frog, and bird. Mostly Noah just loves to DO stuff. He only has to watch me do something once and he has it down and doesn't forget. There are a few things that I wish he didn't know how to do but he just picks up everything so fast.

Funny story --- Noah LOVES to cook and is obsessed with cooking, the sink, the microwave, and the oven. So he had been opening and shutting the oven door a lot and had show a little interest in the knobs and buttons but couldn't really work them. I didn't really worry too much about it at the time. Well, one night Hunter, Noah, and I were sitting in the living room watching TV and I smelled smoke very faintly. So I said, "Hunter do you smell smoke?" She said yes so we got up to investigate. We found the oven turned on so I just thought that was the smell. I then opened the door to the oven. I found a package of junior mints sitting on the top shelf completely charred and about 2 minutes away from catching on fire. The broiler was set on high. I guess Noah was hungry and thought he would cook a snack. Since then I've been watching the oven like crazy. Even so, he managed to sneak a plastic bowl in so when I turned the oven on it melted. Then a few days later he stuck a bottle in there, turned it on, and melted it. Finally, I resorted to taping the oven door shut since he was being so sneaky. We ordered a latch to put on the oven so hopefully that will help.

Making a mess with the baby powder!
Playing with Aunt B's i-phone --- his favorite! He knows how to work them better than I do.

Noah's Christmas Program

December 15, 2010

Well, Noah had his first Christmas program this year with the Mother's Day Out kiddos. I really had no idea that they did this and I thought it was pretty brave of them to attempt such a thing. I mean, 8 one-year-olds on a stage together? At the same time? Trying to perform? I was extremely excited and anxious to see what was going to happen. I didn't really expect much but I figured as long as he didn't throw a fit or try to climb off the stage it would be a total success.

So, I invited everyone to come and watch. We were all pleasantly surprised. It was absolutely adorable! and SO much fun! Noah did great. No crying or running around. He even left his reindeer horns on his head the entire time and tried to do the right actions to the song. They playing a Christmas wiggle song and the kids danced and shook bells. So cute! Noah ended up sitting down towards the end of the song, but I've never been more proud of him.

After the program, they had lots of snacks and activities for the kids to do. They even had a Santa Claus so Noah got to see Santa again. When Santa first came in, he went up on the stage and sat down. They announced for the littlest kids to get in line first so I headed up there with Noah. But, he saw Santa and freaked out (in a good way) and took off in a full run for the stage and was halfway up the stairs before I got to him. If I would've just let him go, I'm pretty sure he would've got onto the stage by himself and attacked Santa before any of the other kids got there first. Maybe it was the candy...who knows with Noah.

Getting Ready for Christmas

December 8, 2010

We are really excited about Christmas this year. Noah is now big enough to really know what is going on and I know he is going to LOVE tearing into all his Christmas presents. I'm not really a plan ahead kind of person when it comes to Christmas shopping. I hate shopping and I really hate it when it's crowded. But, getting things for Noah is my exception. I haven't been actually shopping yet but I've been planning in my head ;) It's so different from last year when I just got him stuff that I thought was cute or whatever. This year I actually know what he likes to play with so here's my list so far:

Kitchen set
Shopping cart
Cleaning set
Toy gun (he loves these things so I'm giving in)
Tea set
Winter clothes
lots of fake food, pots, and pans

He is absolutely CRAZY about the kitchen and cooking (with water). I can't get through 10 minutes without him in the kitchen ripping things out of the cabinets and crying for water. I'm tired of cleaning up spilled water all over the house so I'm trying to contain him to his room at least with kitchen toys so maybe he'll be happy just playing in there. The kid just loves to cook and clean. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's that he's home with me all the time so that's what he knows. Poor kid. Oh well, he is actually helpful when it comes to cleaning. However, he is now making messes on purpose just so he can clean them up. His favorite thing to do is pull dirt out of the plants and put it on the bricks by the fireplace. He then says, "uh-oh!" and runs to the back bedroom to get the dust buster to clean it up. He does so many funny things these days that it would take 10 pages to write them all down. He is such a mess!

His new trick...very fun for me since he loves to pull everything off of his shelves now that he learned how to reach it.
Showing off his new haircut (finally). He was getting pretty shaggy but no more! All that hair is gone.
Helping Daddy put up the Christmas Tree
This was from Noah smashing 2 snow globes together and busting one of them. I've never seen the inside of a snow globe so it was pretty interested. The glass is REALLY thin so they aren't as sturdy as they look.

Happy Thanksgiving!


We had another great Thanksgiving this year, of course. Lots of family and LOTS of food! I was really hoping that Noah would find SOMETHING decent that he liked to eat with all of that food but nope! (see below pictures for the result of trying to get Noah to eat real food). Anyway, we had a great time just relaxing with the family and it's always fun for me to get a little break from being Noah's only entertainment and let someone else take over for a little while. He played and played with everyone as hard as he could. He just needs some little cousins now....
This is how Noah started the meal. Nicely dressed and ready to eat some turkey.
This was taken about 5 minutes later. Turkey completely rejected...he only ate cookies and chocolate pudding and he didn't even eat much of that. Playing with food is about the only thing he likes to do with it. Good thing we were at Grandma's house because he wouldn't get away with this at home.
After dinner, we took Noah over to the Elk City park to see all of the Christmas lights and to ride the Carousel. He really liked it a lot at first but it went on for awhile and about half way through he decided that it was scary and didn't want to sit on the horse anymore.
Sitting on Santa's lap for the first time at the Elk City park. He loved it! I really didn't think he would be scared since he's not afraid of anyone but you never know what kids are going to do. He got right up there, took lots of pictures, then gladly accepted the candy from Mrs. Clause. Such a big boy!