This and that...

August 21, 2011
Noah and Jakob have a couple sets of matching pj's so I finally made Noah wear his (even though it is STILL 100+ outside) because Jakob is such a chunk that he is already growing out of his. It took me forever to get a somewhat decent picture of them together because Noah wouldn't be still...big shocker there. He was bouncer all over the bed. When I would finally get them in a good position, Noah would move before I could get the camera ready. However, the shot above was pretty cute. In the best picture that I got Jakob was spitting up so it was a little gross even though they were both smiling. I chose not to share that...

We are still rolling around here in the Bradshaw house just trying to wait out the ridiculous heat so we can have a life again. Noah is DONE with staying in the house and so am I. We keep each other pretty busy though so I guess we are surviving. It's just too hard to try to get Jakob out in this so I don't even bother. We've had a few nice days lately so we try to take advantage of them when they come along and do some fun things. But, for the most part, this summer has been pretty uneventful (except for the new baby, of course).

Jakob is great and growing like a weed! I finally broke down and pulled out all of his 3-6 month sized clothes because nothing fits him anymore. I was shocked when I tried on the 3-6 month size and it actually fit him. He is just 8 weeks old!! I can't believe he is that chunky already! He has fat rolls EVERYWHERE, which I love! He's very cuddly, squishy, and sweet. Everything that a perfect baby should be! Plus, he just gets cuter every single day! I can't decide who is cuter, Noah or Jakob...I guess that's not fair. They are both the cutest little boys on the face of the planet to me! Jakob already has a much different personality than Noah does. He is a lot quieter (Noah was already cooing nonstop at this age). Jakob coos some but not very much. He likes to grunt a lot more. He doesn't really cry much still but is VERY loud when he does. He is also much more laid back than Noah was (and still is). He will lay pretty much anywhere and doesn't wiggle a whole lot. I just remember Noah was so wiggly and active! I never could do much with him because he just wanted to be moving! Jakob is pretty happy just hanging out. He loves to be talked to and sung to, and he really gets a kick out of watching Noah act like a nutcase all day.

Speaking of Noah...

He is good as well. He is starting to talk my ear off...I knew this was coming because he's always been so loud but now that he can actually say stuff he expects me to respond to everything that he says. If I don't, he just repeats himself a million times yelling "Mama!" in between the repeats. I've been catching him doing some really sweet things lately. The cutest one is the other day I walked in his room and he was sitting on the floor holding his Buzz doll like a baby and patting it's back saying, "It's okay Buzz, it's okay Buzz." So sweet! Now he does that to Jakob everytime that he cries. He says, "It's okay baby" while he pats his cheek. Then he usually gets a little rough and scratches him. At least he's trying!! He's also into kissing everyone's "owws". If he sees the tiniest little thing on my leg or whatnot, he kisses it then runs to his room to get the "medicine". He comes back with lotion or whatever he found in the drawer and rubs in on the "oww". He's also become really afraid of spiders and thunderstorms. It's weird because those are probably my biggest things too. Maybe I passed it on to him...who knows. But if he sees a spider he flips out. He calls them "Itsy's" like from the Itsy Bitsy Spider song and says, "Itsy go home" if he sees one. Ha! It actually rained a couple of night this past week so bedtime was pretty nonexistent. He HATES thunder and doesn't even like the rain. He just repeats, "Rain, all done" over and over.

Noah loves to snuggle with Jakob in the recliner (which also happens to be Jakob's favorite sleeping spot)

Playing with the "big truck". We made the "trash" and that kept Noah entertained for hours.
Everytime I see this picture I think "cheerleader"
This is what Noah does while I'm feeding should see his room if you think this is bad

First time swimming! My parents were up here for a few days this week so we took advantage of their hotel pool and Noah went swimming. We went two different days and the first day he was a little scared of the water when we first got there and wouldn't really go in. After a few minutes with a little coaxing, he warmed up to the idea and by the time we were done on the second day, he was dog paddling across the entire pool by himself. I was a little impressed I have to say.

Jakob hung out with Papa while we swam
Jakob's first time at church! My plan was to take both of them to the nursery but when I got there I just couldn't leave Jakob yet! I took him with me and he was fine. Noah got moved up to the 2-yr old room and had a blast! When I went to pick him up though, I couldn't see him anywhere. I was actually getting a little worried when they brought him up to me and I saw that he was soaking wet. Apparently, he was involved in some sort of water incident with another little boy. I'm not sure who was at fault but my guess would be that Noah wasn't totally innocent. He did get a glass of water dumped on his head though. He probably liked it and I thought it was pretty funny. Just a taste of what's to come I'm sure.

Playing with his dumptruck on the way to church...we still don't go anywhere without some sort of motorized vehicle

My Little Butterball

August 8, 2011

We made our first trip out to Sayre this weekend with two kiddos in honor of Jakob turning 6 weeks old (we actually had a wedding shower to attend but still...) It was Jakob's first time at "Papa's House", as Noah likes to say, and we had a lot of fun. Noah told Jakob all about Papa's house on the way there so Jakob was really excited to see the hay, tractors, big trucks, and wind mills. Noah was beside himself the entire way out there and was very glad to be back in the country. He is definitely a country boy! He LOVES all of the farm equipment and hay (of course). We didn't get to do too much outside since it was so hot most of the time but it did actually rain a little on Sunday so we took Noah over to the park at Elk City to see some windmills and old farm equipment. He was very excited!

Jakob is turning out to be quite the chubby baby! He still eats constantly (I'm hoping this is a good sign and will eat good when he's Noah's age), and he is packing on the pounds. I'm guessing he's around 11 to 12 pounds now. He is completely out of anything newborn sized and wears mostly 3 months size in everything. He has fat rolls everywhere and is very squishy and loves to cuddle with me! I love having such a sweet little baby in the house! He can now hold his head up perfectly (he's been holding his head up on his own for awhile now - pretty much since the day he was born) so now I don't have to worry about his little head. He has also started cooing at me and smiling a lot. He loves it when someone talks to him and he just smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen! So sweet! I don't have any really good smiling pictures yet but I'll get some soon!

Noah is becoming quite the chatter box lately and does nothing but talk ALL DAY! His vocabulary is improving daily and he now can say pretty much anything and I can understand him. When he gets really excited, he starts just yelling out random words that he knows really fast whether they make sense or not. It's funny! This is how it goes, "BIG TRUCKS, FIRE TRUCK, TRASH TRUCK, HAY, PAPA, PAPA's HOUSE, MAMA, DADDY, DADDY WORK, BABY, HAY, WINDMILLS, HAY, etc..." You get the jist...

House is my favorite word that he says right now. He pronounces things really slowly and enunciates everything! I can't really type out how he says house but it kind of like this: Hooooooowwwww (pause) se. He says it very deep and slow. It is hilarious! And he growls when he says Big Trucks so it's really loud and rough sounding. I don't know where he gets this stuff but it's very entertaining for me!

One funny story then I'm done:

Yesterday I met Kathy and we went for a walk with the boys since it was nice outside. Noah didn't have anything to drink so he started asking for some water. We decided just to walk by my house to grab him some real fast since we were in the neighborhood. Noah had the garage door opener and he pushed the button to raise the door when we got there (as usual). He wanted to go inside with me so I let him get out of the stroller. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing at that point. We went in and got the water then came back out. I strapped him back in the stroller and started to shut the garage door but realized I didn't have the opener. I knew Noah had it last so I asked him where it was but I was walking around looking at the same time and not really paying attention to what he was saying. I went inside to look and it wasn't there. I came back out and Kathy said he was yelling "Car!". So, I let him back out of the stroller and said, "Noah, show Mommy where the garage door opener is." He walked straight to the back of the 4runner and pulled it out of the exhaust pipe. Awesome! How did he manage that in the 5 seconds that I wasn't watching him?? At least he knew where to find it...I never would have.

Noah and Jakob playing in the crib
Daddy giving Jakob an airplane ride
Sort of a smile...
Hanging out at the wedding shower with Mommy

Noah and Carter playing basketball in the gym at the church

Papa's House!
Noah was in heaven playing with this huge stack of hay
Gotta love mud puddles!
Sitting on the hay bails...until we saw the skunk! Then we ran back to the house...Noah thought it was fun!
Fun pictures from the Elk City park

Jakob sitting in the bumbo for the first time at 6 weeks! I'm so proud!