Noah at the Park

September 27, 2010

We've been taking Noah to the park a lot lately since it's finally nice outside after a brutal summer. It's his favorite thing to do. He loves to be outside, run around, and not get into trouble for everything he wants to play with like at home. His favorite is probably the slide. He tries to climb up it so he can slide down again. I sit him up at the top then step back. He scoots forward slowly then takes off. He thinks it is so fun to go fast! If it's a slow baby slide he's not as into it. We've moved on to the big kids playground because the slides are better. He doesn't really like the swings too much yet. He absolutely will not get into one by himself. If I get on one, he will set in my lap while we swing. He does like that but that's about it. The other kiddo's are great too. He always makes a friend every time we go. The other day we made a friend in the sandbox. He was about 4 and let Noah play with his shovel. Everything was going pretty good (no fights) then Noah came up behind the kid with a shovel full of sand and dumped it straight on the kid's head, then hit him with the shovel. This sort of thing happens a lot...

Chasing the geese
Laughing because he just threw his cup in the lake
Trying to climb up the slide

Trying to climb up another slide

Noah very favorite slide at the park
And, finally, a video of him sliding


September 25, 2010

Noah has been really busy doing one thing lately. That is PLAYING! He loves to play! Especially with other kids. We have a big group of neighborhood kids that come over and play with Noah pretty much every evening. I get knocks on my door followed by, "Can Noah come play?". It's starting already and he's only 1. Plus, nearly all of these kids are 6 or over. And they are all girls. I think they just like to pick him up but he loves them. He will hang out and chase them around the yard. The other day we were outside playing with the hose (another of his favorites). I had a sprayer on the end so not much water was coming out and he was soaking himself walking around the yard with it. The gang came over when they saw him outside. Noah spent the next half hour chasing them around the yard with the water hose while they ran around screaming. It was hilarious! A bunch of 6 year old girls running from a baby! He loved it!

Oh that reminds, I taught him something new this week. He loves to go outside and play and will pull me over to the door and bang on it to go outside. We are working on saying "outside" but he hasn't quite got that yet. Anyway, he really enjoys watering the plants and pointing at the flowers. I always pick one for him and he holds it. Well, the other day I was showing him how the flower smelled good and I sniffed it to show him how to smell it. He got it! He took it back from me and sniffed it really hard and laughed. Now he smells everything. It's really funny because he does it so hard. He has sucked a couple of things up his nose, but he thinks it's funny.

Another thing he loves loves loves to play with right now it the TV in our bedroom. Don't ask me why but he is OBSESSED with that thing. If the door is open he will be in there playing with the TV. The on/off button is right in the front so he loves to push it over and over. He will turn it on then come get me to turn on the DVD that he wants. He still is in love with Baby Einstein so he usually watches that. He will talk and talk and point to all the stuff he sees. Then he turns it off, then on, then off, etc... I'm afraid the TV won't last too much longer with Noah around. When he can't play with the TV, he wants the vacuum or the broom. And he knows where they are. I try to hide them but it doesn't work. He takes me over to the door and throws my hand at the doorknob and looks at me, like "you know what I want". All I have to do is shake my head no and he starts screaming, not crying anymore, but screaming. He discovered recently that he can scream extremely loud. He does it all the time over every little thing. This baby knows what he wants!! and he doesn't back down for anything. We are still working on that...

I know I give Noah a hard time for being such a mess but he really is very very sweet. He loves to give us hugs and lots of kisses. He loves to come up and hug our legs, and rub his face on mine. He is very affectionate! He doesn't like to be in trouble because he knows I'm mad. He won't come over to me if I'm mad and he gets really quiet, but once he's out of trouble, I go over and say "give mommy a kiss" and he gets really excited again and gives me lots of kisses. He knows he's in the clear then. Then he's back to his old loud sweet self.

He did this all by himself. Apparently, 5 inches is the optimum viewing distance for the TV.

Tackling Max

I love this video! I've been saying how he loves to tackle's the proof!

Oklahoma State Fair

September 20, 2010

We took Noah to the fair this weekend. We took him last year when he was a little over 3 months old and I remember looking forward to this year when he would be old enough to actually know what was going on and enjoy it. Well, he definitely enjoyed it! He was all over the place and had so much fun with everyone. He LOVES people so anytime we are outside, plus around a bunch of people, you know he is going to be happy. He ate a ton of extremely unhealthy but delicious fair food, played in the cars at the car show, and ran around the farm exhibit. He did great with all the farm animals. He pet the baby chick and a rabbit. He was so careful and gentle with them. He didn't try to grab at all and used just one little finger to touch them.

Playing in the new Mustang!
Eating strawberry crepes, cheese dogs, and corn on the cob. The cheese dog was his favorite.

Playing at the Farm Exhibit

Day At the Zoo

September 15, 2010

We took Noah to the Zoo for the second time this week. His first time was back in April and while he did enjoy it he wasn't really into it yet. This time was totally different. He had an absolute blast! The Oklahoma City Zoo has a brand new children's zoo that is fabulous! They have a petting zoo and a rock stream that the kids can play in, among other things. Noah could have spent the entire day in the stream and been thrilled. However, we made him leave the stream and look at some animals. He loves animals so he really enjoyed looking at them and pointing at them. We saw the seals do a little show and the big one was barking really loud and splashing everyone. Most of the little ones were crying and freaking out, but not Noah. He loved every second of it!

The only incident we had was while we were watching the mountain lion. It was getting really close to the glass so there were several people gathered around watching. There was another family with a little girl that was Noah's age next to us. We got to talking to them and found out their daughter's name was Abigail Grace (same as my sister). Weird! But anyway, Noah and Abby were playing and walking around. She was really sweet and let Noah play with her glasses. I was worried that he would break them but he did something much worse than that. Abby came back to get her glasses and the little stinker reached out and pushed her down! He was in trouble after that and we moved on after a lot of apologizing!

There are tons of pictures so enjoy!

I missed it with the camera, but at one point Noah had both arms draped across the goat with his head on it's back!

15 Months Old

September 8, 2010

Super cheese! When I took this picture, I was saying "Cheese!" and he was repeating me and smiling! That's a big step for Noah. Plus, you can see his molars.
Noah turned 15 months old today! He is getting to be such a big boy. I finally had a talk with myself about not treating him like a baby anymore and focusing on treated him like a toddler. It was hard! I've been in baby mode for so long now that I haven't kept up with Noah. He is so ready to learn and explore and I just haven't made that a priority yet. But, things are changing! He's done pretty well learning on his own, but we are now working hard on saying more words, learning body parts, and learning how to listen and complete tasks. Oh, and learning how to sit still for reading a book. The first week of this did not go so well. He didn't want to sit still or listen to anything. But I've found a few things he likes, like singing songs, so we are learning that way. It's actually working! He can now repeat me when I say a word (sometimes), and he learned how to touch his bellybutton when I ask him where his bellybutton is. He is knows his nose, ears, eyes, foot, arm, and hair but he doesn't really point at those on command. He likes his bellybutton! He thinks its funny.

Now that I've switched gears, Noah is doing so much better. He is calmer and listens better. I didn't think just a few small changes would make such a big difference. He was just ready to grow up a little and I was holding him back. I just miss my little baby I guess! Change is hard!

He did great at his 15 month appointment. He didn't even really cry when he got his shots. That was probably due to the Dum Dum lollipop that they gave him but whatever works! He had never had a sucker before (because I'm afraid of them) but I figured if he choked in a Dr office they could take care of him. :) He now weighs 24 pounds and is 30 inches tall. He's pretty average all the way around except that he's super super cute! Sorry, I can't help myself! Also, he now has all of his first year molars in so he can chew! I don't have to worry anymore about big chunks of food like before. Although, he still prefers to eat mashed up everything. He is really big on texture. If it has a weird texture or feels chunky in his mouth his spits it out and throws it. Lots of fun! So I've just been blending up everything (again) and spoon feeding him. At least this way he eats something and I don't have a huge mess to clean up after every meal.

Playing in the laundry

He loved the rain! He played at the back door forever! You can't really tell in the pictures but it was pouring!