11 Weeks Old

August 24, 2009

Almost 3 months old! I can't believe how fast this summer flew by. Noah is getting so big and is no longer a little newborn baby. He is still working on rolling over and has made a couple of trips from his belly to his back. He also goes from his back to his belly every once in a while but nothing consistent just yet. I'm still working on getting that video but no luck. Every time I pull out the camera he stops what he is doing and stares at the camera in total fascination. He's still talking up a storm. Here's a video of him jabbering away to me the other day:

Noah is getting so much better at his naps. He actually will sleep over an hour between each feeding which is a huge relief for me. I can get some things done around here now. He is also ALMOST making it through the entire night. Last night I put him in bed at 11:00 and he didn't wake up until about 5:30. I am SO ready to have a good night of sleeping. It's been awhile!

My Favorite Things

August 17, 2009

10 Weeks Old

Noah is still getting more and more fun! Every day I'm just amazed at
how much he changes. We had another big first this week - his first laugh! He has started to enjoy singing so I sing the ABC's, Jesus Loves Me, and Head and Shoulders with him every morning. We were singing the ABC's a few days ago and he just started cracking up! He just got so excited that he couldn't help himself. It was the best sound in the world and I can't wait for him to start laughing all the time. It's still pretty hit and miss but he's getting better at it.

Some of Noah's favorite things to do right now are singing songs, looking at books, watching his mobile, talking to mama, sucking on his fist, and taking naps in his swing. He doesn't like baths so much right now and he hates sitting around. He wants to be up and moving constantly or he's bored. He is pretty much past the fussy stage and he is so much fun! We have a blast every day even though he completely wears me out. He still isn't sleeping through the night but he can do 5 and 6 hour stretches almost every night. Hopefully he will get it figured out soon!

Two Months Old!

August 11, 2009

I know it's been said a million times, but time really does start flying by as you get older. I can't believe it's already been two months, and yet I can't even remember my life without Noah. He is just getting bigger every day and he is learning new things so quickly. He's had a couple of big firsts this week. A few nights ago I woke up about 1:30am and I leaned over to check on him and there he was fast asleep just sucking away on his thumb. It was really hard to resist the temptation to get the camera and take a picture, but I didn't want to wake him up. I did wake up Matt though to show him. It was so cute! He hasn't done it since then, but I'm sure it won't be long before that's all he does. He already prefers his fist to the pacifier but he just gets so frustrated that he can't put the whole thing in his mouth.

He also learned how to roll over from his tummy to his back. He's such a chunk I wasn't sure if he was ever going to roll over, but sure enough he did it! Matt was playing with him last night on the tummy mat and he just kept doing it over and over. But, of course, as soon as I got out the camera to video it he stopped and started crying. I'm still trying to get it, so hopefully I'll be posting it soon!

We also went to Noah's two month check-up this week to get shots and an exam. He is doing great! He's up to 12lbs 10oz (which means he gained 2 lbs in 3 weeks - and you can tell!) and he is 23 1/2 inches long. He had to get 3 shots in the leg and one oral vaccine. They gave him the shots first and I was thinking that was dumb because he was screaming when they were done and I didn't think there was any way they were going to get the oral one down him. However, he LOVED it and starting screaming again when he was finished because he wanted some more. Who knew? I guess they do that on purpose so at least they're happy when you leave. He was pretty fussy after the shots and had a fever the rest of the night but that's about it. He was himself again this morning so I guess we survived.

He is still cooing up a storm and has gotten a lot more conversational with it the past few days. He coos at me then waits for me to say something back then starts cooing again. It's awesome! I feel like he is finally starting to relate to me on a deeper level. Maybe he will be an early talker - even the Dr commented on how much he coos. I'm convinced he already understands what I'm saying to him even though he can't say anything back yet.

We are still working on the naps, but they are getting better. He sleeps for about 30 to 45 mins in his swing between each feeding now - which still isn't great but MUCH better than he was doing. He's still waking up once in the middle of the night but hopefully it won't be too much longer until he can go the whole night without waking up.

He's just perfect and I love watching him grow and learn new things each day. It's awesome to watch him discover the world around him and to be such a huge part of that for him.

Home Alone

August 3, 2009

I had a big first this week - my first day away from Noah. It was really hard, but I think it was probably good for us both to get a break from each other. Matt and I spent the day floating the Illinois river with the group on Saturday. It was a lot of fun! It was the first time I could really relax and act like my old self since Noah was born. I did miss him like crazy though! Luckily, my mom was able to send me pictures all day to tide me over until I got home. Mom and Dad came up to babysit and Noah had lots of visitors while we were gone. My aunt Evelyn, Kristie and her kids, Heather and her husband, and Mum Mum all came over to see Noah for the day. I'm sure he loved all the attention. I think he had a pretty fun day himself from what I heard. He loves being passed around to new people and being the center of attention. Hopefully he will stay that way as he gets older. Noah continues to grow and change every day! He is getting more and more smiley and LOVES to coo and grunt. He talks constantly! It is so much fun to watch him learn how to do new things and see his adorable little smile.