Guitar lessons

Matt and Noah singing and playing music:

Week Number 42

March 30, 2010
You may think I'm a little crazy for still keeping track of how old Noah is by weeks by it's the only way I can keep all of the pictures organized! When you take a hundred pictures a week, it comes in handy to have them all neat and tidy in little weekly folders. We have been doing great this past week. Really enjoying the awesome weather...even if it has been a little (well, a LOT) windy. We've been crazy busy this past week. Noah had a few more firsts this week. He left Oklahoma for the first time, he ate cake almost every night, and there's something else but I can't remember right now.

Well, we took Noah on his first big road trip this Saturday to travel to Dallas for Matt's brother and sister-in-law's baby shower. He didn't really do that great. He was good for about 2 hours then he was done with the car seat. He was extremely fussy for the next 2 hours. It was a VERY long trip. However, once we got to Dallas he was fine and he had a great time hanging out with Matt's family. He loved everyone and was his usual happy self until he got tired. We stayed the night at Matt's brother's house and he actually slept really well in the playpen. As long as he's not in the same room with us he usually does pretty good. I don't have any pictures of the weekend (bummer) because we accidentally left the camera in the car the whole time.

You may be wondering about the cake thing...
We celebrated my sister's birthday earlier this week and he had some cake that night. We had tons of leftovers from that so he snacked a little on that. Then, he had some baby shower cake. So I think he needs a break from the sweets before he gets too addicted.

He's also eating tons of other new things but we're taking it slow still. He doesn't really eat enough on his own so I've still been giving him cereal and a little baby food. He's getting there though. He loves all the new food and gets really excited to eat something new. This week we tried cottage cheese, steak, grapes (cut up of course), and he's been snacking on my toast in the mornings for breakfast. He still gags a lot. He always has for some reason, so I have to watch him pretty close still.

Other new things are just getting better and braver with the standing/cruising thing. He use to get really scared if he was standing and there wasn't enough for him to hold onto but he's actually started letting go of things and standing on his own for a few seconds lately to grab things. I have a feeling that walking isn't too far away now.

He's still a talker and getting close (or maybe already has) to saying his first words. He has a sound that he makes for Matt which sounds a little like Dad. So, I think he's saying Da to get Matt's attention. He does the same thing with me. He says Ma when he wants my attention. Not dada or mama but Da and Ma. He also has a whole slew of over baby sounds he makes. He talks in complete just can't tell what on earth he's saying. He definitely understands a LOT of what I say to him now. I can sort of talk to him in complete sentences and he gets it. He LOVES to talk on the phone. To the point where I'm thinking of putting a stop to it because I can't even let him see my phone now because he throws a fit for it. He screams every time I talk on it because he wants it.

Speaking of fits, Noah has become an expert at that. He crys, screams, hits, kicks, and throws his entire body around when he doesn't get what he wants. I'm struggling with it. I'm not really sure what to do because he's too little to really understand why he can't have something. Any suggestions?? I'm game for anything at this point...

Other funny things he's doing lately include biting me. All the time. I guess that's not really funny but you have to see him do it. He gets really really excited like he's just done the coolest thing ever. I can't help but laugh at him. He also does this thing where he drums on my chest really hard when I try to put him to bed. I always hold him for a little bit and we sing. Maybe he's just getting into the song. He does love all his musical instruments and plays with them over just about anything else. He is also starting to dance when he hears music. He bounces all around whether he's standing, crawling, or sitting in the highchair. It's so sweet!

Another long post, sorry! Noah is just doing too many things these days. I could probably go on for awhile longer but I'll give you a break for now :)

Playing in the laundry

He took off his own pants!

Playing the piano. My little Mozart!

Eating scrambled eggs and making a HUGE mess

Crumbs in my purse!

March 24, 2010

Well, I just had to write a little note here about finding a TON of crumbs in my purse! I am NOT one to have a cluttered and dirty purse. I usually clean it out about every day and I NEVER have crummies in the purse. However, I guess being a mom changes things. I stuck my hand down in the side pocket and guess what I found...little mashed up bits of sweet potato puffs and yogurt melts. Nice! It made me feel like a real mom :)

Also, something pretty impressive that Noah is doing now is palming an Avent bottle with one hand and feeding himself. With one hand. Yeah, Avent bottles are not the standard bottle size. They are about twice as big. For those of you who've seen Noah lately, you know that the kid has HUGE hands. He gets that from both of us. The only person I know that has bigger hands than me is Matt. I always say that he has the ears, hands, and feet of a two year old. Maybe he'll be an NBA star...

How many weeks old now??

March 22, 2010
Whew! This week has been crazy and I just realized that I missed my weekly blog entry last week so this one will have to cover the last two weeks. They have been busy, so this could get really long!

Well, Noah is doing great as usual. Growing so fast and getting more beautiful every single day. I hate to say beautiful for a boy but he is! We can't go anywhere without a dozen people drooling over how cute he is. It may sound like I'm bragging but I take no credit for this. I'm totally humbled that God would entrust me with this precious child and He gets all the credit. We have been doing tons of stuff lately. Let's see... We've been shopping a few times for Easter outfits and wedding dresses. Noah went along for the ride and did great! He had tons of fun with his aunts and was a perfect angel the whole time. He is a handful but I can't really complain. He is such a GOOD baby. I can take him anywhere, anytime and he is totally happy. He is pretty much just happy all the time. He smiles at everyone, talks to everyone, and even reached for the lady checking me out at Lowe's today. She held him while she checked me out. Very friendly baby!

He is still very, very active. He always has been and he is never still. Not even for a second. At the end of every day, I feel like I've been inside a friendly little tornado all day and I'm totally exhausted but happy! Our house is a destruction area pretty much all the time. He is into everything. I knew it was coming but it's pretty bad. So far he's been in the dog food, dog water, ripped up books, smeared up the TV screen, picked up dead bugs in the sliding glass door, gotten into drawers, smashed his fingers, bumped his head, scratched his face, and that's just what I can remember over the last couple of days.

He talks SO much now. If he's awake, he's talking. He is very, very close to saying some real words. The other day Matt was holding him and he very clearly said, "Mom". Not mama, but mom. We both looked at each other and said, "did he just say mom?" He hasn't done it again so I'm not sure it wasn't just a coincidence. We'll see! Hopefully we'll be hearing some real words soon! When he talks, he is very serious. He really has a lot to say. He holds up things he's playing with and tells me all about it. He uses all kinds of sounds and strings them together to make little baby sentences. I just talk right back to him so maybe he's picking something up.

He knows what a lot of words mean though. New words that he's really good at recognizing are sleepy, pick it up, no (although he doesn't stop what he's doing), open, and shut. He's really into opening and shutting things. His favorite is the microwave door. He loves that! He also loves sticking his hand in my water, sloshing it around, and then slinging water everywhere. Very fun! Another fun thing he does is pull my glasses/sunglasses off my face then try to put them back on me. I've learned to shut my eyes quickly so they don't get poked out.

He is now cruising pretty well and goes around the entire perimeter of the crib while he's supposed to be sleeping (which he doesn't do so well anymore now that he can stand in the crib). He is definitely close to walking. We are still a couple months away but he's getting there. He pulls up on everything around him and then plops down on his butt. This is when most of the head bumps occur. He really likes to put all his toys under the coffee table then crawl in after them. He usually bumps his head a few times doing that also. It doesn't really phase him any. Most of the time he doesn't even notice. He's way too busy for that!

He has also been trying lots of new food lately. At his nine month check up, the doctor said it was fine to start more regular food so I've been trying to do that slowly. He's had mashed potatoes, cake (oops), macaroni and cheese, little bits of my sandwich, guacamole, and scrambled eggs. He likes everything but gags a little on chunks that are too big for him. He HATES the stage 3 baby food with meat in it so we've avoided that. He really loves the real stuff! Much better than the baby food. I'm really ready for him to be able to eat how we eat, but it's already getting easier.

Okay, I'll stop I guess. I warned you!

Little Stinker!
Cake Kelsey and I made for Dad's birthday
Noah and Daddy playing baseball
Playing in Daddy's guitar case

Baby Einstein

Okay, so I know that the Baby Einstein videos get a bad rep for encouraging lots of TV watching and some argue that they don't really teach anything. They say babies don't learn anything from them so they're not worth the TV time. BUT, I will argue all day that they are GREAT! Noah loves them. I love them. He happily watches a short 20 minute video a couple of times a day which helps me tremendously. I will say that even though he likes them I never really expected him to get much out of them. BUT, I was wrong!!

I have been working with Noah on clapping for months now with no progress. He likes when I clap but can't figure it out for himself. Mom told me last week while she was watching him that he was clapping along with one of his videos. I believed her but thought maybe it was just a coincidence. That he was just moving his arms around or something. However, yesterday I was walking around holding him and he caught sight of the TV and the movements video was on and they were singing "If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands" and he immediately started clapping with the video. He did it again this morning at the same part. He only claps with that song. He won't do it if I try to get him to or sing the song to him. Only with the video.

So there, I've said my piece on Baby Einstein. We will always use them and I highly recommend them to anyone with babies and toddlers.

Happy 9 Month Birthday!

March 8, 2010

Today is little stinker's 9 month birthday! How on earth is he already that old!?! He is (again) doing so many new things even since last week. I've heard that they start changing even more rapidly after the 8 month mark and that is SO true! He is learning like crazy and getting so many new things figured out. This week his big accomplishment was learning how to pull himself into a standing position. He first did it in his crib. I FINALLY got the mattress lowered earlier this week and literally during his next nap he pulled up into a standing position. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or if that somehow that made it easier for him to do it. But, he did it! The next thing I knew he was pulling up on everything in sight. The coffee table, the TV stand, the walker, his jumper, the shelves, me, Zoe, Max...just kidding. Like Max would let Noah get within 5 feet on him. Everything Noah gets close to Max, he is outta there! Too many pulls of the hair!
Pulling up in his crib for the first time

He is also LOVING feeding himself by picking up little puffs and yogurt melts. He's been doing this for awhile, but now he really likes it if I put them in a cup or bowl and he can reach in a get them out himself. He searches everything that resembles a cup for little treats. He loves cups! It's really funny when I'm drinking some water he just gets so excited and starts bouncing and reaching for it. Then he sticks his hand in and tries to grab the water. He just tries and tries but can't quite do it. Sometimes he thinks he finally has it and puts his fingers in his mouth to eat it but nothing is there. He just looks at his hand like, "where did it go?" Then goes back to trying to pick it up. Cracks me up!

He is also now able to totally use his bottle/sippy all by himself which is great when we are in the car and he gets cranky. I just hand a bottle over the back and he's happy. He's also funny with this because he now gets that he has to tip the bottle up to get the good stuff out so everything that goes in his mouth gets tipped. He did it with a contact solution bottle this morning (it was shut) and looked at me like, "this isn't working!"
He also had his 9 month check up today. I was expecting it to be really bad with tons of shots but no shots this time! Yea! He did great! He weighs 19.5 lbs and is 29 inches long. He gained over 2 lbs since 6 months and grew an impressive 3 inches. I think he has been putting all of his energy into getting longer instead of chubbier. Definitely going to be a tall kid, but we knew that was coming! He also now has a total of 6 teeth and received his first real toothbrush at the doctor today. He loves it and it is SO much easier to use that the gum cleaner things.

Talk to the Hand!

March 5, 2010
Little extra on the blog front this week. I (shockingly) have another really cute video of Noah having a lovely conversation with his of his very favorite things to do. I have been trying to get it on video without success BUT he finally cooperated yesterday. It's a little long but stick it out. He really gets going at the end. Enjoy!

Noah's Quirks

March 1, 2010

Today I decided to write about all the things Noah does that you can't just find in any baby book. Pretty much everything he does is totally by the book, but he does have tons of little quirks that really show off his little personality. The first of these is the most entertaining by far. He LOVES to play with Max and Zoe, and pretty much any other animal that he sees. I know I've said this before but it is really crazy to watch him play with them. He just gets SO excited and laughs so hard. He doesn't really do this with anything else as much.

Here's an awesome video of him and Zoe playing tug of war with one of his socks that Zoe pulled off:

Another thing he loves to do is play in the curtains or the shower curtain. He's gotten to where he will pull it over his face and then jerk it back, look at me and laugh. It's his version of peek-a-boo. He loves to get all tangled up in them and cries when it's time to stop playing with them. He will happily play with a curtain for around 30 mins or so which is pretty good for him.

He really likes to chew on his fingers, and my fingers, and he has gotten to where he does this weird thing with his middle finger. He tucks it under his thumb and chews on the end of it. He does this ALL THE TIME. At first I thought it was just getting stuck that way, but he does it constantly. It's strange but cute.

Blocks are probably one of his favorite things to play with but only because we stack them up and he can then knock them over. This is one of his favorite activities. I can usually only get them about 3 or 4 high before he gets them. He also loves to play with our coasters and if they are laying with all his other toys he picks them to play with over anything else. They aren't anything special, just black squares but he LOVES them. He throws them almost as soon as they are in his hands and just does it over and over.

He still talks a lot and has a conversation with EVERYONE he sees. When we go to the store he talks to everyone we pass so I meet a lot of new people now everywhere we go. It's so funny how people stop and talk to you when you have a baby. Noah does initiate most of the conversations though. He's really outgoing for a 9 month old and I hope he stays that way. I've never seen him shy away from anyone at all. Especially other babies and kids. He adores them and just gets the biggest smile on his face and starts jabbering away. He's a grabber though so I have to watch him. He grabbed a little boy's arm the other day and stuck his hand in his mouth before I even knew what he was doing.

Lounging in front of the TV full of juice

I can't turn my back for a second!

Isn't this just hideous? I love it! Baby food on the face, eyes half closed, shirt around the neck...

Check out his birth mark on the front of his right ankle. It's getting darker and bigger!