Getting Ready for Christmas

December 8, 2010

We are really excited about Christmas this year. Noah is now big enough to really know what is going on and I know he is going to LOVE tearing into all his Christmas presents. I'm not really a plan ahead kind of person when it comes to Christmas shopping. I hate shopping and I really hate it when it's crowded. But, getting things for Noah is my exception. I haven't been actually shopping yet but I've been planning in my head ;) It's so different from last year when I just got him stuff that I thought was cute or whatever. This year I actually know what he likes to play with so here's my list so far:

Kitchen set
Shopping cart
Cleaning set
Toy gun (he loves these things so I'm giving in)
Tea set
Winter clothes
lots of fake food, pots, and pans

He is absolutely CRAZY about the kitchen and cooking (with water). I can't get through 10 minutes without him in the kitchen ripping things out of the cabinets and crying for water. I'm tired of cleaning up spilled water all over the house so I'm trying to contain him to his room at least with kitchen toys so maybe he'll be happy just playing in there. The kid just loves to cook and clean. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's that he's home with me all the time so that's what he knows. Poor kid. Oh well, he is actually helpful when it comes to cleaning. However, he is now making messes on purpose just so he can clean them up. His favorite thing to do is pull dirt out of the plants and put it on the bricks by the fireplace. He then says, "uh-oh!" and runs to the back bedroom to get the dust buster to clean it up. He does so many funny things these days that it would take 10 pages to write them all down. He is such a mess!

His new trick...very fun for me since he loves to pull everything off of his shelves now that he learned how to reach it.
Showing off his new haircut (finally). He was getting pretty shaggy but no more! All that hair is gone.
Helping Daddy put up the Christmas Tree
This was from Noah smashing 2 snow globes together and busting one of them. I've never seen the inside of a snow globe so it was pretty interested. The glass is REALLY thin so they aren't as sturdy as they look.

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