Happy New Year!

January 15, 2010

Happy 2011 everyone! We are having a great year so far. Lots of things to be thankful for already. Noah just turned 19 months old on the 8th and is going strong. Now that we've survived Christmas, we are enjoying just hanging out with Noah and watching all the funny things he does every day. One of his new favorite activities is building tents out of blankets in the living room. This is my fault --- I started it because I thought he would like it. He did! Now it's all he wants to do. He'll drag out all the blankets and chairs, then point to them and look at me like, "Get busy and build this thing so I can play!" Here's some shots of him chillin and drinking his morning coffee in the tent:

Of course, he still loves to clean which mostly consists of him making messes then going to the cleaning closet and screaming until I get the vacuum out for him. He doesn't always win but this day he did:
Another thing we've been doing a lot of these days is painting. He loves to draw and color but always ends up eating the crayons. So I had a bright idea of switching to painting because kids don't eat watercolor paint right? Wrong! He ate it. His entire mouth was black and blue for hours after the first try so now I watch him a little closer while he has the paints out. I find this very strange since he refuses to eat food but whatever. The kid loves to eat disgusting stuff. Typical boy.

I'm going to try not to get too boring but still catch up on everything he's doing these days so I hope this doesn't sound too much like a grocery list. Here goes:

He loves to play with his big lego blocks now and is constantly dragging them out to play. When Daddy is home that's all he wants to do. Matt will stack them up as high as he can then Noah will charge it and knock it down and crack up. He'll stack them up too but it usually doesn't get very far before the urge to knock them everywhere takes over. He also loves to drive his car around and drags it to the front door everyday to go outside for a ride. He talks on the phone all the time now and everyone loves to talk to him. He gets really serious and just talks and talks. The problem is that he doesn't really say any words yet. Just a bunch of nonsense. It's really funny. Sometimes you will hear an actual "hi" "bye" "grandma" or "dada" but that's about it. He's getting better at talking but he just doesn't show much interest in it yet. I'm still hoping...

He's been going to stay with my parents for a weekend here and there lately and he's picked up some new habits. One of my "favorite" is spitting. I guess Grandpa spits a lot so now Noah spits a lot. He spits in the sink, spits on the carpet, and pretty much anytime he looks in the mirror he will spit just to watch it run down his face. Luckily, he doesn't spit on people so I guess it's okay. He just imitates everything we do these days. He's into pretend shaving like Daddy but the other day he got ahold of an actual razor and nicked his chin before I even realized he had it. He loves to drink coffee and beer. I know that sounds awful but he is obsessed with them so sometimes I'll let him have a little coffee or Matt will let him taste the beer. I thought at first he wouldn't like it so he would stop begging for a drink. But no. He loves them both.

Anyway, I'll guess I'll stop for now so this doesn't get too long and boring.

Trying to open the oven door with the can opener. Genius!

Eating peanut butter and loving it!
Video of Noah counting to three and jumping off the chair repeatedly:

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