Noah at the Park

September 27, 2010

We've been taking Noah to the park a lot lately since it's finally nice outside after a brutal summer. It's his favorite thing to do. He loves to be outside, run around, and not get into trouble for everything he wants to play with like at home. His favorite is probably the slide. He tries to climb up it so he can slide down again. I sit him up at the top then step back. He scoots forward slowly then takes off. He thinks it is so fun to go fast! If it's a slow baby slide he's not as into it. We've moved on to the big kids playground because the slides are better. He doesn't really like the swings too much yet. He absolutely will not get into one by himself. If I get on one, he will set in my lap while we swing. He does like that but that's about it. The other kiddo's are great too. He always makes a friend every time we go. The other day we made a friend in the sandbox. He was about 4 and let Noah play with his shovel. Everything was going pretty good (no fights) then Noah came up behind the kid with a shovel full of sand and dumped it straight on the kid's head, then hit him with the shovel. This sort of thing happens a lot...

Chasing the geese
Laughing because he just threw his cup in the lake
Trying to climb up the slide

Trying to climb up another slide

Noah very favorite slide at the park
And, finally, a video of him sliding

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