Day At the Zoo

September 15, 2010

We took Noah to the Zoo for the second time this week. His first time was back in April and while he did enjoy it he wasn't really into it yet. This time was totally different. He had an absolute blast! The Oklahoma City Zoo has a brand new children's zoo that is fabulous! They have a petting zoo and a rock stream that the kids can play in, among other things. Noah could have spent the entire day in the stream and been thrilled. However, we made him leave the stream and look at some animals. He loves animals so he really enjoyed looking at them and pointing at them. We saw the seals do a little show and the big one was barking really loud and splashing everyone. Most of the little ones were crying and freaking out, but not Noah. He loved every second of it!

The only incident we had was while we were watching the mountain lion. It was getting really close to the glass so there were several people gathered around watching. There was another family with a little girl that was Noah's age next to us. We got to talking to them and found out their daughter's name was Abigail Grace (same as my sister). Weird! But anyway, Noah and Abby were playing and walking around. She was really sweet and let Noah play with her glasses. I was worried that he would break them but he did something much worse than that. Abby came back to get her glasses and the little stinker reached out and pushed her down! He was in trouble after that and we moved on after a lot of apologizing!

There are tons of pictures so enjoy!

I missed it with the camera, but at one point Noah had both arms draped across the goat with his head on it's back!

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