Fun in the Sun!

May 27, 2010
It was really hot here yesterday and for the first time it really felt like summer outside. I got Noah a little baby pool for his birthday but I couldn't resist getting it out yesterday. I figured he doesn't know the difference yet and he was bored inside. We hooked up the hose to it and played for a good hour outside. The water was COLD and he loved it! I could barely get my feet in it but he sat there and played forever. He loves water and this pool is perfect for him since it really doesn't fill up with much water. Just enough for him to splash in. He really loved the little slide that came with it and cracked up every time down it. I thought he may be scared of it since he's afraid of swings but he was into it.

Noah is doing a few new things this week. He is making new sounds. His favorite are me me me and na na na. He's still saying a ton of other gibberish that cracks me up. The sounds that come out of his mouth are hilarious. He's yelling mama all the time now and that makes it harder for me to leave him when he's not happy. He laughs really hard now when someone laughs at him and will keep doing something over and over just to get a laugh out of us. He has actually started to clap some when I do. I've seen him do it a couple of times now so that's a huge improvement. His problem solving skills are crazy good and he can figure something out now in a matter of minutes. His favorite is to try to figure out how to do something even though I won't let him. He really understands "No" now and listens to me very well when I tell him no. He still tests the waters some and tries to see if he can get away with it anyway but if I still tell him no then he moves on. I've told him no so much with the dog bowl that I don't even have to worry about him going over there anymore. He pretty much ignores it. Although...yesterday I did have to pull of piece of dog food out of his mouth. But, in all fairness, it wasn't in the bowl, it was on the floor so I guess it was fair game.
First time eating sushi! (don't worry - no raw fish)
Noah dressed up in Kelsey's T-shirt because he pooped all over his clothes at her house

Abby trying to feed Noah - A little example of his determination when he doesn't want to do something...

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