51 Weeks Old - One More To Go!

June 1, 2010
I love this picture because it perfectly shows off his personality. He is such a little stinker but he cracks me up all day long. This week Noah got a new tooth on the bottom. He is now up to 7 teeth with another one well on its way. He has a mouthful! He not only has a lot of teeth but they are pretty large for baby teeth, especially on the top.

We've also been spending a ton of time outside this past week since the weather has been so nice. He LOVES outside and can't wait to get out there and play. Inside is a little boring so it's good for us both. He does eat a lot of grass though so I have to watch him closely.

We still aren't getting any closer to walking so no new news on that front. He has stood up a couple of times for about 10 seconds by himself but that's about it. He thinks it's a really fun game to plop down on his butt every time I try to stand him up. He absolutely refuses to even try to take a step. Hopefully next week we will get closer. Noah is one of those kids that won't do anything until he is 100% ready to do it, but once he's ready he does it with no problems. He's on his own time table and couldn't care less about what I want him to do. He still won't mimic me at all. I know that he knows exactly what I'm trying to get him to do but refuses to do it because he doesn't feel like it. He claps quite a bit now but if I see him doing it or start clapping with him he stops immediately. Who knows? I'm just going with it.

His new favorite activity - pretend stirring in the bowls with a whisk
Goofing off with his spoon - his new favorite game at meal time

1 comment:

  1. He's sooo cute!! I'm mailing a package tonight for Mr. Noah - hope the big party is awesome!! Wish we were there....
