Getting closer...

May 25, 2010

I'm finally getting caught up with my blog and just in time too. Noah's birthday is right around the corner now and we are in full party planning mode. I'm sure that I'll have a ton of pictures and videos to post so I'm glad that we're back on track now.

We've had a really busy last couple of weeks. It seems like there's always something to do. We went to Shawnee for my cousins high school graduation early this week. I was really worried about taking Noah since he's so loud, but he did really well. There was a little boy sitting behind us so they entertained each other for most of it. We also took Noah out to Remington Park a couple of nights ago for Matt's work. We had fun but Noah was all over the place. All of the tables were glass so I had to watch him like a hawk. I didn't really get to do much but it was still fun.

Noah still isn't walking at all. He hasn't even remotely come close to taking that first step. We finally got him to stand on his own the other day at my Dad's office. He stood there for a good 10 - 15 seconds before he realized what he was doing. I guess he was distracted enough by all the people there that he forgot to throw a fit. I tried to get him to do it again at home but he just screams. Maybe next week...

Other things --- He is now officially off baby food. No more of that, but I sort of miss it because meal times are a disaster. He loves his big boy food and feeds himself really well but a lot of it ends up all over him and all over the floor. Zoe gets a lot of treats, but the carpet is nasty! He's really into using the spoon to feed himself right now. I let him even though he can't actually get food on it and into his mouth. He holds it correctly and turns it around if he picks up the wrong end. He dips it into the bowl or whatever and right into his mouth. The only problem is that there usually isn't anything on the spoon. He still uses his fingers for that. He won't really let me feed him much anymore so I'm glad he's a pretty quick eater. I starting the think about weaning him. I'll post more on that later when I figure out how I'm going to do it.

He is also making some really funny faces now. It's hard to explain...I'll try to get some pictures because it's really cute!

I love all these pictures so I couldn't resist putting them all on here

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