Ten Months Old

April 12, 2010

Yes Matt is holding him upside down in that picture. It was the only way I could keep him still enough to get him and the sign in the same picture. And, the bonus is you can see his two front teeth. I remember how easy it was when he turned 3 month old. He just sat there propped up on the pillows, smiling sweetly, and didn't even try to grab the sign. Aww....

He's learned some cool tricks this week. He now apparently knows how to use the remote and points it at the TV and pushes the buttons. He occasionally hits a button that actually does something and he gets really excited. Of all the things I try to teach him, it would figure that he learns how to use the remote first. Typical boy. I guess he's been watching me and learns so I guess I better be more careful about what I accidentally teach him. The other thing he was watching me do was clean up with the dust buster. The loud noise didn't bother him one bit and he yanked that thing out of my hand and started cleaning himself pushing it back and forth. He's getting so much faster at picking up things. He's really no longer a little baby at all. It makes me a little sad but he's a lot of fun now. He's my little buddy.

He also HATES getting his diaper changed now for some reason and starts crying if he even catches a glimpse of the changing table. It has to be done though so he better get used to that. He also really really hates to have his teeth brushed. I mean he HATES it! He clamps down and spits and just gets hysterical about the tooth brush. I still brush them although it's almost impossible. Hopefully his teeth won't rot out. I can't even imagine what he would be like at the dentist.

His biggest accomplishment for the week is learning how to wave properly. He's been waving for awhile now but he just started actually opening and closing his hand when he does it. He mostly waves at the TV and at Zoe. I haven't been able to get in on video yet because it's so sporadic still but hopefully I'll get it soon. It's too cute!

Other funny things he does...
He hands me (and everyone else) bites of whatever he happens to be putting into his mouth at the moment. Sometimes it's a little gross and I end up with spit smeared all over my face. He is also still really into biting and bit Abby on the shoulder the other day and drew blood. He has really figured out that he has a tongue and grabs it and sticks it out all the time. He also notices when he has a chunk of something in his mouth and immediately pulls it out even if it's food he's supposed to be eating. And, finally, he really LOVES cups and water still and gets really excited when I let him slosh in my cup. He ends up soaked but he has fun!

Riding his train - he actually doesn't like to ride just push. He tried to jump off and ended up falling about 3 seconds after this picture
Helping Mommy clean up the mess he made with the 3 hole punch
First time he actually WALKED in the walker

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