Everyday Life

November 15, 2011
I took Jakob and Noah to church with me the other day and put them both in the nursery as usual. When I went to go pick them up, they had put Jakob in the exersaucer and he was having a great time hanging out in it. It then occurred to me that he was big enough to drag out the old exersaucer at our house. Time just goes by so fast that I forget how much Jakob is growing up already.

I got it out and Jakob loves it! Now he can hang out on the floor and watch Noah play without having to worry about getting attacked by Noah. He gets his little legs going like crazy and jumps up and down the whole time he's in it. I probably should've gotten it out awhile ago.

Jakob has now officially started having cereal and baby food. It is NOT going well. I expected some resistance from him at first but he isn't going for it at all. He hates the cereal and won't eat it at all. I tried to mix it with a bunch of different things including breast milk but he hates it. He won't even eat fruit baby food. He just really hates the spoon and clamps his mouth shut as tight as possible anytime he even sees the spoon. I tried to make him laugh then shove the spoon in but as soon as he figured out what I was doing he would laugh but keep his mouth shut tight. Pretty funny but I don't know what to do with him. I guess I'll just keep trying. Surely he'll figure it out soon.

And then there's the sleeping situation. Or the non-sleeping situation. Jakob is just not a good sleeper. He is still waking up about every two hours or so and has done this since the day he was born. So at this point it's been about 4 and a half months since I've slept more than a couple of hours at night. It's pretty difficult to say the least. I kept thinking that he would slowly start getting better but it's just not happening. If anything, he is just getting worse. He's been a little congested for about the last month so I decided that was causing part of it but now I'm not so sure. I've done everything I can think of. He's on a pretty good schedule during the day. He takes 3 pretty good naps and is nursing well so I don't think he's really getting hungry. But he's up nursing at least 3 times every night. I think that the real problem is just bad habits now. I've really never just let him cry because his room is right next to Noah's and I didn't want him to wake Noah up. I've mentioned before that Jakob has a very piercing cry. And when Noah wakes up he doesn't go back to sleep easily. I don't think I could handle been up with 2 kids all night. I don't really have a plan at this point but I'm trying to hang in there and hope that it gets better soon.

Pictures from my new favorite app - Instagram!

This is Noah "thing" right now. He loves to spray water on everything so Matt let him have an old bottle of nasal spray to use as a spray bottle. We refill it with water and he sprays it everywhere. It's a compromise with the actual spray bottle which sprays way more water and makes a much bigger mess. I just got tired of constantly telling him no so I gave it with the little spray bottle. He calls it his "daddy's water".
Eating some shredded cheese - his favorite!
Shaving in the bathtub
Riding the car with the monkey in Wal-Mart

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