Happy Mother's Day!

May 8, 2011
I had a great Mother's Day weekend. We did tons of fun things and saw both grandmothers, which was really nice. However, I did manage to get NO pictures of anything. Not even one of me and Noah together. I did take a picture of the crafts that Noah made for his grandma's. They were canvas squares that had magnets on the back with his handprints. It was a little difficult to do since Noah just wanted to play in the paint, but we managed. They loved them so I guess it was worth it.

First, I celebrated at Mother's Day Out Mother's Day Tea with Noah and all his little friends on Thursday afternoon. It was really fun and Noah gave me his present which was a little bag with his handprints on it. Very cute! That night they also had a game night with all the kiddos. I actually had some pictures from that so they are below :)

Then, Matt's mom and sister came down on Saturday to spend the day with us and Noah had a lot of fun with them. He was a little shy at first but he warmed up quick, like he always does, and was soon dragging them all over the house to play with his toys. They watched him for us that night so Matt and I could actually do something together. The next day my mom and sisters came over to grab lunch and ice cream. We had fun as usual but Noah was having an especially crazy day for some reason so he was a bit of a handful. Anyway, it was a very busy but fun weekend! I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful mom and mother-in-law, and VERY thankful to be a mother myself. Noah is my whole world and I can't wait to meet his little brother so he can become part of that world too!

Noah packed up all his books and carted them around the house. I still haven't found them all...
He figured out how to drag his chair into the bathroom and reach the faucet. Not so good for me. He got into the shaving cream here and made a huge mess!

Game Night at Mother's Day Out:
Planting a seed - he was pretty much only interested in playing in the big bucket of dirt.
Painting! He ended up with blue paint EVERYWHERE! Even in his hair!

When he got his face painted, they held up the big sheet with all of these really cute pictures on it and asked him which one he wanted. He picked out the OSU emblem and that was what he wanted. The girl kind of looked at him weird when he picked that. It was really funny! It's smeared because he wouldn't stop touching it.

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