It's a Boy!!!

February 17, 2011
So we finally got some pictures of the new baby. Yea! We had our first ultrasound on Feb. 17 to check everything and find out what the sex was. We both sort of had a feeling that it was a boy and sure enough it was! We are very excited to have another little boy around the house and I know Noah will be a great big brother. He loves on Max and Zoe so much that he drives them crazy. I'm sure I'll be pulling him off of the baby constantly but only because he will want to cuddle with him all the time. My new due date is officially July 3 (which is Kelsey's b-day) so now I am about 21 weeks pregnant. A little over half way there! Time is flying already and I can't wait to meet him!

Everything has been going great so far. I'm huge but not really with a lot of weight gain but just my stomach. I can't really tell how much bigger I am this time around but I have a feeling it's quite a bit. I'm just happy that I'm no longer sick and that the baby is healthy and growing good. We haven't gotten anywhere on names yet so I'll keep you posted on that. Enjoy the new baby pics!

Arm and Hand
It's a boy!
Sweet baby profile! Looks quite a bit like Noah to me already...

Baby foot

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