
May 6, 2010

Noah is really into playing right now and loves to play with others. We have some neighbor girls that come over all the time and he has a lot of fun with them. Here's a cute picture of them hanging out the other day:
He has been acting not so great lately so I decided that it's time to do something about it. I went and bought Pre-Toddler Wise from the BabyWise series (which I LOVE and it saved me when Noah was a newborn) and read it as fast as I could. It had tons of great tips and ideas. I have already started to use them and have seen big improvements already in the few days since. We have set a lot of boundaries for Noah instead of just letting him play with whatever entertained him at the moment. I have always kept him contained to the living room but since he started crawling so much he was just into everything in there and a lot of it was not baby friendly. So he's doing all his meals and snacks in the highchair now with no exceptions, playpen time up to 30 minutes 3 times a day, no "adult" toys, and we're working on blanket time. That's where you train them to stay on a blanket for playtime up to 30 minutes. It's a tough one and he does really good with it as long as I sit there with him but if I try to get up he's off. Also, WHAT he plays with is now very controlled. I used to just throw a bunch of toys on the ground and let him have at it but now he does one set of toys at a time in the playpen or on the blanket. He's doing great with that! He learned to stack his rings on the pin (in almost the right order every time) in a matter of minutes once I took away the other toys. He's just picking things up so much faster now that he's not overwhelmed with his environment. He is also very calm while playing now and doesn't throw as many fits (still working on that a little but it's better). Those little changes made a HUGE difference.

Everything else is going very smoothly. No problems with transitional objects...he couldn't care less about the pacifier, bottle, or baby food. We've eliminated the bottle completely and now only use the sippy. He's been done with the pacifier since he was 5 months old and never sucked his thumb or anything so that's been nice. He's also done with baby food and has completely moved to the real stuff. He's a great eater and I haven't found anything he refuses to eat. He feeds himself very well and has shown interest in using the spoon himself. He gets the concept and knows what goes where but doesn't really have the coordination for it yet so we're slowly working on that.

Hanging out at RedPin for Mommy's Birthday

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