Stranded At Home

Feb 1, 2010

This was a LONG week! We have been trapped in the house now for 4 days, without Daddy, because we are completely snowed (and iced) in. Noah and I are pretty much getting tired of each other, but we are having lots of fun! We've played with blocks, rings, drums, the piano, and pretty much every other toy in this house a million times. I've been trying to get him in the walker some but he still can't really figure it out. He likes to sit in it and scoot backwards a little but that's about it so far. This is his favorite activity in the walker:

Don't ask me where he learned this. We NEVER give Zoe food from the table...

I started doing a juice and cracker time after the 3:30 nursing time and he really loves it! He does great with his bottle now and really loves his crackers. Although, I now know he shares them with Zoe. I'm guessing he's done this a lot but this was the first time I caught him in the act.

I have to admit...I spent a lot of time over these past four days trying to teach him words/actions and he just isn't getting it yet. I'm a little disappointed. :) I also do colors with him and he's a little better at that. He grabs the right color of block if I point to it first. I cheat a little but I figured it helps him learn. Maybe 7 1/2 months is a little young for that...

He really great at a tons of other things though. He's discovered his hands or something because he will be waving his arms around trying to grab stuff and all of the sudden he sees one of his hands and stops everything, holds it out in front of him, and stares intently at it. He does the same thing with his tongue. He likes to grab his or mine all the time. He's VERY good at babbling and does it pretty much nonstop. I knew from the beginning that we would have a talker on our hands. He's always been a loud baby. If I say ba, ba, ba to him he repeats me and goes on and on. He says, "ba, ba, ah, (spit), ba, ba, (spit)" all the time. It's really funny! It's like his tongue gets in the way when he's trying to talk and he spits everywhere. He's very serious when he talks though, no goofing around! He means business!

No official crawling yet but we're getting close. He has also started pulling up on me and pretty much anything else close by. It's really hard to change his diaper now because he tries to pull up on my arm the entire time. Also, no top teeth yet but I can now feel the little edge of one of the top front ones. This week he officially started having stranger of the little girls next door to us was holding him for a couple of minutes on Wednesday and he looked at her calmly for about 30 seconds, then he figured out he didn't know her. His face slowly crumpled up and then came the wail and looking around for mommy. I know that will probably get worse before it gets better.

I haven't reported on the state of Noah's hair for awhile because it's been pretty much the same. It's getting to be time for his first haircut though. It's pretty long on the sides and front, and starting to look a little ragged. He still has one really long piece on top that never fell out. I don't want to cut it off but it's about time. The bald spot in the back from his laying around days is almost completely gone FINALLY! Hopefully we will have cute pics of his first haircut soon and he won't look so shaggy.

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