May 10, 2011
Noah is now 23 months old so only 1 left to go! I can't believe that he is already almost 2. That doesn't even seem possible. He is just SO big now and is turning into such a sweet little boy, no longer any trace of a baby at all!
Some of his favorite things to do right now are drawing on the patio with sidewalk chalk (he's getting pretty good at shapes), cooking with mommy, yelling for Zoe and Max then feeding them all of his food, imitating EVERYTHING that Matt and I do, and giving lots of hugs and kisses. He has become very affectionate lately and just wants kisses over and over and over. He will give absolutely anyone a hug and kiss whether they want it or not. It's really sweet and I take advantage of it! I know someday he'll be too big for that so I'm treasuring those moments while I can.
He is also really starting to get the hang of the talking thing. He can repeat pretty much anything we say and has a ton of words that he says on his own. He can name any type of animal that he sees and always points them out to them. He can also name trucks, cars, and planes very accurately and points those out to me the whole time we are in the car. He freaks when he sees a plane still and loves them! I told Matt I should just start taking him to the airport to hang out. He'd be happy there for hours! He's started saying "Big truck!" or "Big plane!" when we see one that is really close to us. I'm really proud of how well he is doing with talking and learning new things. I can tell these next few months he's really going to start changing a lot!
One thing we were recently informed of is that Noah has a little girlfriend at school. His teacher told me a few weeks ago that he was always hugging on this one little girl and that they always played together and sat next to each other. I finally got to witness it for myself at their Game Night the other day. As soon as we walked in, she came running over yelling "NOAH!" and he ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug. It was really cute! I always knew he was going to be a ladies man, I just didn't think it would start this early. Looks like I have my work cut out for me...
Other not so fun things are the never ended eating issue in that he just doesn't eat. Anything. Ever. How he even continues to grow I have no idea. Every single meal is a fight. They said they have the same problem with him at school and they pretty much have to force every bite in him mouth. I force him but it usually doesn't amount to much food. On the upside, he loves to drink things and guzzles water and milk all day. I tried to cut back on liquids thinking that was why he didn't ever eat but it made no difference. So I'm just going with it. Hopefully someday he'll decide that he likes food but until then he's getting it forced down his throat.
Another fun thing that he does is throw up all the time. He gags on EVERYTHING! If he ever gets to crying hard, he'll throw up. I've learned the hard way not to force him to do something, like laying down, because he'll start crying, then gagging, then I'll be cleaning up throw up for the next half hour. The worse thing he did by far was at a restaurant about a month or so ago. He had actually been sick this time and I thought he was over it so we went out to eat with my mom, Kelsey, and Cody. They sat us in the dead center of an extremely crowded room, and RIGHT when they brought the food out and sat it down he started gagging. I could tell what was coming and I thought I had time to run with him to the bathroom, but I didn't. I had just stood up with him and out it came! All over the table, completely ruining our food. Then all over Cody's head and down the back of his shirt. All over the floor, my chair, purse, and diaper bag. I mean, I have NEVER seen so much throw up in my entire life! It happened so fast that I just stood up with him the entire time with everyone in there watching and probably getting sick themselves. It was probably the worst thing I've ever experienced with puking. I did learn a valuable lesson though: Never, EVER stand up with a kid that's about to puke. Put them under the table and confine it to the floor. I love lessons learned the hard way!
Lots of random pictures taken over the last month: