Toddler Bed Update

May 17, 2011

Well, I am pleased to give a great report on the recent switch to a toddler bed. After the first couple of sleepless nights for me, I changed to a new strategy. I decided that I was not going to lay down with Noah anymore. No matter what. Even if I had to go back into his room and put him into bed 100 times, that's what we were going to do. So, the first night that I tried this (night 3 in the new bed) I had to go back into his room 7 times to put him back into bed. He would get up and bang on the door to get out. By the end of it, he was crying and not too happy with me but he finally stayed in bed. That night he went to sleep about 10pm. Much later than my ideal bedtime. However, after that ONE night he has gone down without a single problem. I lay him down around 8:30pm and he stays in bed, is happy, and falls right to sleep. Nothing short of a miracle! I'm so thankful to have a kid that catches on fast! He really isn't waking up at night anymore. Every once in a while he will, but then he just goes right back to sleep. Naps are still in the crib in the new baby's room. I tried the bed for one of those and let's just say he spent 2 hours DESTROYING his room, then I spent an hour cleaning it up. Not too fun!

Showing off his first scraped knee. He fell down in the park running too fast.

Never again will he get a chocolate fudge bar...

Playing with his favorite toy - the shopping cart!

Tackling Max - Yes, he still does that on a daily basis. I'm surprised Max will go anywhere near him, but I think he secretly likes all of the attention.
In the car on the way to church.
This kid is OBSESSED with water. Every day he brings me his teapot and asks for water. If I say no, which happens a lot considering the water usually ends up spilled all over the house, he throws himself into a fit and screams. I've learned to hate water. One of his favorite things to do with water right now is to play tea party with me in his room.

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