June 26, 2011
We now have a new baby in our house (a few days earlier than expected)! We are so glad that Jakob is here and that he is perfect and healthy. So here's what happened:
Saturday evening we had plans to go over to Shawnee to cook out with some friends so we loaded up in the car to head that way around 3:00pm. On the way over there, I started having some contractions (a few more than usual) and feeling a lot of pressure down low so I told Matt I felt weird and that he should be ready just in case. However, I didn't really think much about it since I had had so many contractions throughout the entire pregnancy. We made it to Shawnee and through the evening without any baby drama so we headed home around 6 thinking we were in the clear for the evening. However, Jakob had different plans. At 7:00pm, I started having contractions again but I still didn't think much of them. Matt went to bed to get some sleep since he had been working a lot and had to work the next day and I went through my usual routine with Noah and got him to bed around 9. Then I sat down to start timing the contractions since they weren't going away. They were pretty consistently 4 to 5 minutes apart. They weren't very strong yet and didn't hurt so I decided to give it a few more hours before I woke Matt up.
Finally, around 11:45pm I decided that there was a pretty good chance that I was in labor. I woke Matt up to tell him and we started getting our stuff together to go to the hospital just in case. Thankfully, my mom just happened to already be in OKC at Kelsey's house so I called her to see if she could come over to stay with Noah while we went to the hospital to see what was going on. She got there around 12:30am and by that point the contractions were about 2 to 3 minutes apart but they still weren't very strong. We finally decided to go in to the hospital around 2:00am because they were getting quite a bit stronger. We got there and they said I was between a 5 and 6. They admitted me around 3:00am and decided there was for sure going to be a baby soon!
This time around I wanted to get an epidural before all of the really bad pain started but I was worried that it would slow down the labor too much. I waited as long as I could but the Dr. wanted me to go ahead and get one so she could break my water. They were thinking that once they did that it would go pretty fast. So I went ahead with the epidural around 5 or so but the contractions still weren't really painful. The actually epidural was pretty bad this time. The guy kept hitting a nerve in my right leg when he tried to put the catheter in and it HURT! He had to redo it 3 times and it still was hurting my leg. However, once the meds kicked in I couldn't feel anything. They broke my water around 6 and I fell asleep for a couple of hours after that. Pretty non-traumatic labor. They woke me up around 8:30am to check me and said "Well you are ready to go! Let's start pushing!" It caught me really off guard since a) I had JUST woken up and b) I expected it to be a few more hours at least. So, I yelled at Matt to get up (he was sleeping too) and he jumped out of bed in about 2 seconds and we were ready to go! The only bad thing was that my mom, dad, and Noah weren't there yet since we had expected it to take a little longer.
I started pushing about 9:15 am and it took 3 contractions and 3 pushes to get him out. So much easier than the 2 hours of pushing that I did with Noah. He was here SO fast that I didn't even have time to take it all in. The cord was wrapped around his neck so once the Dr. saw that she pretty much just yanked him out and got the cord off him. It was a weird feeling since the meds were wearing off a little. I could feel him coming out but it didn't hurt. Very weird!! They put him on me and he started crying right away. He didn't look a lot like Noah at first but he was perfect and beautiful! Very tiny! I got to hold him for a few minutes then they took him to get all the "stuff" done.
He weighed 7 lbs and 4 oz and was around 20 inches long. They couldn't tell exactly since they could NOT get his legs to straighten out completely. Then they had me feed him almost immediately and do 3 to 4 hours of skin to skin time before they took him for his bath. That was new this time around. I didn't get to do that with Noah. It was great and we got to really bond but the 3 to 4 hours was a little long. We were both getting restless after 2 hours so I wrapped him up and Matt walked around with him for awhile.
They then came to take him for his bath, which he didn't like so much but he did smell much better when he came back. The only little problems that he had were a couple of little skin tags on his ear and a lot of gagging and choking on all of the stuff in his stomach. The skin tags were a little bit of a concern since it can be a sign of kidney problems and hearing problems. However, they did hearing scans and an ultrasound on his kidneys and both came back perfectly normal. We are getting the tags removed in a couple of weeks. Other than that, he is perfectly healthy, eating GREAT, sleeping okay (enough for me to survive), and is a very good, easy baby. He doesn't really cry at all and is pretty content most of the time.
We are so blessed to have such beautiful healthy children! We thank God everyday for giving us these two boys to take care of! We love you baby Jakob!
Chillin at the hospital waiting for the baby...
Meeting his big brother! Noah was pretty interested in the baby for about 2 minutes then he was off playing again. He doesn't like it when the baby cries though and wants to be in the room to make sure that he is okay.
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