20 Months Old

February 12, 2011
It seems like I have a lot of Noah pictures that include an extremely messy face with either peanut butter or nutella. But, I love this picture because you can really see how huge his eyes are. Everywhere we go people just can't get over his eyes. I agree...they are beautiful!

Noah just turned 20 months old and is really starting to improve in the talking area. His favorite words: more(which I hear one million times a day and kind of wish he didn't know), zoe, max, daddy, noodles, outside, vacuum, dog, bird, plane, ball, elmo, water, bowl, bath, choo choo, car, open, show, fan, and light. They are probably a lot more that he doesn't say as often, I just can't think of them. He is getting good at repeating what I'm saying and you can actually understand what he is saying now. I love that he can talk more BUT he can ask for more stuff now. Which usually leads to me saying no more, and therefore more fits on the floor. However, I'm extremely proud of him and really can't wait for him to learn one more thing...the meaning of "hold on a minute Noah, Mommy is busy". We will celebrate on that day...

Another thing we have been sort of working on is potty training. I don't really know what started it but he loves it. He will sit on the big toilet and go. Even if he doesn't need to go, he will try really hard to squeeze some out. He has even let me know that he has to go "pee-pee" in public and gone to the bathroom instead of the diaper. He got a Thomas the train toilet seat to set on and loves it. Sometimes he does get distracted by the trains though and starts pointing at them and saying "choo-choo" and forgets all about peeing. We are taking it really really slowly but so far so go. Keep you posted on that...

We've had a ton of snow lately (finally!) and Noah loved every second of it. All he wanted to do was go play outside. It was WAY to cold for outside so we would go in the garage to get snow and bring it inside to play with. So now, he wants to get a "bowl" and "spoon" and then heads to the garage door to get more "snow". It's become a problem. I'll have to break him of that now. Here are some pictures from the 5 days that Noah and I were trapped in the house together:

Snuggling with Max on the bed after several hours of snow cooking

Okay, so Noah is obsessed with shoes these days. At least once a day, he goes to his closet and pulls out all his shoes (or mine or Matt's) to try on and stomp around in for a few minutes. Here are a couple of his favorites - Mommy's boots and his black dress shoes:

Finally Daddy made it home from work and they built a snow dog in the front yard. I think Noah tried to tear it down about as fast as Matt could build it but he finally succeeded in making this pretty impressive dog:

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