December 17, 2010
Noah is now 1 1/2 years old. He is so big that I don't even recognize him anymore. This age has been pretty exhausting, probably even more so than when he was a newborn, but he really is so much fun. He cracks me up every single day with the crazy stuff that he does. He has always had such a big personality and the older he gets the bigger it gets. We went to his 18 month check up this week and he is doing great. No shots this time which is always a good thing, and he is now weighing in at almost 26 pounds and is 30 inches tall. Here's what has been going on the past month besides holidays:
Noah got pretty sick after Halloween and developed a bad cough. It would NOT go away no matter what I did. Unfortunately, this led to him waking up every couple of hours during the night and screaming. At first I tried to keep him in his bed but he would cry and the cough was so bad that he would throw up. So this resulted in him getting into bed with us every single night. I didn't really mind him sleeping with us BUT Noah is not good at sharing a bed. Matt and I were both punched, kicked, head-butted, and rolled all over so much that we were losing our minds and nobody ever slept. After about a month of that, I had had enough. He was over the cough but now it was a bad habit. One morning, after a 4 hour stretch of being awake the night before with Noah, he pushed me over the edge. Immediately after we got up after only sleeping a few hours, he threw a bottle lid down the toilet and flushed it before I even knew what he was doing. The toilet broke needless to say, then about 10 minutes later he bit a huge mole that I have on my back and tore it completely off. It was really the first time I just wanted him away from me. That day I decided no more getting into bed with us. He was sleeping in his own room no matter what. The weirdest thing happened that night, he slept through the night with no problems. And has ever since.
Anyway, on a lighter note, Noah had been slowly getting better with the talking thing. He now at least tries to repeat what I say but it isn't all that clear yet. The funniest thing he does is count to 3. He does it before everything he does. You know that if you hear him going one, two, threeeeee, something is about to be thrown or hit and you better watch out. He has about 5 to 10 words that he will use on his own now but he still prefers his own language. I'm not stressing about it yet, I just try to talk to him slowly and get him to try to say what I'm saying. Another thing he is getting really good at are animal sounds. He does cow really well and moo's all the time. He is also slowly getting cat, dog, lion, frog, and bird. Mostly Noah just loves to DO stuff. He only has to watch me do something once and he has it down and doesn't forget. There are a few things that I wish he didn't know how to do but he just picks up everything so fast.
Funny story --- Noah LOVES to cook and is obsessed with cooking, the sink, the microwave, and the oven. So he had been opening and shutting the oven door a lot and had show a little interest in the knobs and buttons but couldn't really work them. I didn't really worry too much about it at the time. Well, one night Hunter, Noah, and I were sitting in the living room watching TV and I smelled smoke very faintly. So I said, "Hunter do you smell smoke?" She said yes so we got up to investigate. We found the oven turned on so I just thought that was the smell. I then opened the door to the oven. I found a package of junior mints sitting on the top shelf completely charred and about 2 minutes away from catching on fire. The broiler was set on high. I guess Noah was hungry and thought he would cook a snack. Since then I've been watching the oven like crazy. Even so, he managed to sneak a plastic bowl in so when I turned the oven on it melted. Then a few days later he stuck a bottle in there, turned it on, and melted it. Finally, I resorted to taping the oven door shut since he was being so sneaky. We ordered a latch to put on the oven so hopefully that will help.
Making a mess with the baby powder!
Playing with Aunt B's i-phone --- his favorite! He knows how to work them better than I do.