17 Months Old

November 8, 2010

Noah is now 17 months old. Time is still flying and he is growing up so fast. I haven't been able to do any updates on new things he is doing because Halloween was so crazy but he is really starting to change and pick up on new things. He is finally starting to sit down and read a book. Not always but it's getting better. He really likes the ones he can lift the flaps or touch something. It had to be really interactive to hold his attention for very long. He is also starting to talk a little bit more. Although, he's still not really saying too much yet. The words that he says are getting a little bit clearer and he uses them on his own a lot but he still can't really repeat me yet. One thing that he is really starting to improve on is identifying body parts. He can now point to his nose, ears, eyes, tongue, hair, fingers, head, toes, bellybutton, and pee-pee on command. He is really into the pee-pee these days and I even had his teachers ask me about it. He sticks his hand down his pants CONSTANTLY. Especially if there is a bottle involved. I guess it's just the age but it must be worse than the other boys since other people are noticing it. I try to stop him but it does no good. The only thing I can do is put a onesie on him. If not, he pulls it out of his diaper and pees everywhere. Lots of fun. We go through a lot of clothes these days.

Noah is doing great in the hands on activity area. He can now do puzzles, he can put the right shapes into his little block thing, he can do the jack-in-the-box with no problem, and he LOVES tools. He has a tool set that he plays with constantly and has figured that thing out too. Now he likes to get the real tools out a help daddy fix stuff. He had the screw driver the other day and was loosening all the screws on the wood strip in the living room.

Other commands that he can follow are putting things in the trash can, putting his bottles in the sink when he is done, and going to the bathroom to take a bath. He loves to put stuff in the trash can so he'll pick stuff up off the floor and hold it up for me to see. I'll say, "Go put it in the trash can." He gets really excited then runs in the kitchen, throws it away, and comes back clapping. Same thing with the bottles. When he's done with it, he holds it up for me to see. I say, "Put it in the sink." He runs in the kitchen and throws it in the sink and claps. Another thing we have been working on is cleaning up messes. He loves to play with water and is constantly spilling it everywhere. I point at it and say, "Go get the towel and clean it up." He'll go get the kitchen towel off the oven and wipe it up. Good thing he loves to clean!!

He loves to take baths since there is water, cups, and splashing involved. All I have to say is, "Noah do you want to take a bath?" and he runs in the bathroom and claps. The only thing that sucks is trying to get him out of the bathtub. He would stay in there for HOURS if I would let him. He has also learned that it is funny to splash mommy so by the end of the bath we are both soaked.

On the eating front, we aren't doing so good. Noah is a terrible eater. He will not eat anything. He likes nothing. One day he'll sort of eat something so I'll get excited that he likes something and the next day he won't touch it. He refuses to eat any sort of meat and just spits it out. I gave up on that and just give him lots of black beans and vitamins instead. About the only thing he will eat is bread and Ramon noodles. Real nutritious. Hopefully this is just a phase and will pass quickly. It makes meal times not very fun for either of us.

Riding his new Harley

Riding Daddy's new Harley
One of his favorite things to do - pushing over the end table and scooting it around the house. He actually broke a light socket doing this.
Water Mommy's plants
Fixing stuff...

He made this at school and it was really cute, until he started screaming.
Climbed onto the table by himself to get the glass of water.
You have to look pretty close but he has a HUGE knot on his head from falling into the corner of the coffee table. Bumps and bruises on the head are pretty much a daily thing now.

Eating his favorite thing --- COOKIES
Trying to kick Zoe away since she was trying to get his cookie

Happy Halloween - Part 3

October 30, 2010

This is the last Halloween post I promise. I just had too many pictures to put them all in one post. Well, after the birthday party we took all of the kids trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. It was a long day but they were still really excited and ready to go. I am so thankful that the weather was nice and we could really enjoy being outside without having to worry about the kids freezing.

Noah absolutely loved it! He couldn't wait to go up to the next house and kept trying to go inside everyone's house. He loved the attention and the candy. He didn't get scared once even when a house was really decorated with a lot of scary stuff. He walked by himself pretty much the whole time and carried his own pumpkin. He is getting so big so fast that I can't believe all that he can do now. He got very very tired at the end and fell asleep in Grandma's arms before we got back to the house. We had a great Halloween and look forward to next year!

Putting on Yoda again!

Happy Halloween - Part 2

October 30, 2010

It seems like we celebrated Halloween a lot this year, which is fine with me. It was a lot of fun. Noah was old enough this year to really enjoy it and loved all the candy (of course). My Mum-Mum's birthday is on the 30th and this year she turned 80. We had a big party at our house for her and the whole family came over. We had a great time just hanging out since we don't really get together that much anymore. Kristie brought Matthew and Mary, Heather had Zoey (who is 9 months), and Mikal brought Carter (6 months). So we had a lot of little ones running (and rolling) around. It was so much fun but my house was an absolute wreak. Noah had a blast playing with them all. He really loves playing with the older kids but was fascinated by the babies. Luckily, the weather was awesome so we were able to let them play outside all day and take them to the park for awhile before trick-or-treating.
Noah and Matthew playing at the park. They were both running in opposite directions the whole time so I didn't get any pictures of them together.
Noah playing with Zoey.

Happy Halloween - Part 1

October 28, 2010

Noah had his first Mother's Day Out Halloween party this year. It was really a lot of fun for both of us. I really love watching him interact with other kids. He is just so social that he really needs to be around other kids and people or he isn't happy. Putting him in MDO was the BEST decision. He is doing great in it! Anyway, Noah was Yoda this year for Halloween. Matt and I decided that we were going to make our kids Halloween costumes from now on so this was my first attempt. It actually turned out really cute and fit perfect. Everyone loved it and the best part was that I spent $10 instead of $50.

I showed up for the party about 10 minutes late so they were already making the rounds to all of the classrooms to get their candy. Noah was doing great until he saw me. Then he refused to follow his class and just wanted me to carry me. Plus he was getting distracted by all of the candy in his bucket and wanted to sit down and eat it all. I had to drag him along after his class to keep up but we made it through. Then we sat in his class with all the other kids and he chowed down on his candy. I don't really ever give him candy so I didn't realize how obsessed he was with it. He ate every bit of it that he could. Then he tried to take the other kids candy.

Another candy story...

He made this really cute pumpkin in his class out of paper and it had candy corns on the legs and arms. Well, Matt picked him up that day and told me about it and said that Noah attacked the pumpkin and tried to eat the candy corns off the legs. I laughed and didn't think anything else about it. I hung the pumpkin on the fridge along with everything else he makes, but every single time I would walk by it holding him he would attack the fridge and try to get the candy corns. Needless to say, soon they were completely eaten off the pumpkin (along with a little glue and paper). It was a fight every day. He never forgot about it. Well, fast forward a few more weeks. I went to his class and was talking to his teacher about him and she mentioned the pumpkin. She said that while they were making them he wouldn't stop eating the candy corn so they finally had to hide the bag but he wouldn't stop looking for it. He would track it down then scream for more candy. It must have been pretty bad because she was still talking about it several weeks later. So, long story short, Noah is obsessed with candy. More than normal I'd say....