October 8, 2010
Yes, I'm a little behind on the blogging yet again. Time always goes by so fast that before I know it I'm a month behind on everything. I hadn't even downloaded my pictures from Halloween until today (11/20). So, I'm trying to get caught up finally.
Anyway, Noah is doing great as usual. He's still a complete mess (if not even more than usual). His favorite things to do right now are playing outside with the neighborhood kiddos, beating up Max, Zoe, Matt, and me with anything he can find. Bats are still a favorite though. I'm on the verge of hiding them all from him because I'm sick and tired of getting hit a million times a day. It doesn't hurt much yet but it will soon and I don't want him to do any permanent damage to anyone or anything.
He hasn't really changed too much over the last month. He's still not into reading, but we try. He still won't say much, but we try. I've been trying to get him to point to body parts more which he will do if there's some fun associated with it. Like for his nose, we hold our noses and talk funny which he likes. If I just want him to show me his nose though, forget it. He has no interest. I was all stressed about getting him to do more but I'm over it. This is just Noah and he does things in his own way. He always has and probably always will so I better get used to it.
He's still not behaving that great. We are really working on getting him to stop hitting us when he is mad and it's getting a little better. At least now he knows he's not supposed to do it. I've also been trying to just ignore the one million crying/screaming fits he throws each day when he doesn't get his way. He still goes to time out quite a bit but if I put him in there for every fit he would spend the whole day in the crib crying. I try to just use that for the really bad stuff and just ignore him on the other things without giving him his way.
Other than the temper, he is a great little boy! We have a lot of fun every day playing and wrestling around. He is very very active and hates to sit still even for a second. He loves his tools and has figured out how to use them all. The newest ones for him to figure out are the screws and screwdriver. He knows how to put the screw in the hole, then put the screwdriver in the top and turn it. He figures out everything after just watching me do it once. I know he's really smart, he just doesn't say much yet (that I can understand anyway). He can also put my keys in the keyholes (even using the right keys for the rights keyhole...door, car, etc...).
Holding him down to brush his teeth which he obviously HATES! He clamps his mouth shut so hard that it is impossible to get the brush in there. He now has all of his first molars in so we are up to 12 teeth.
Trying on Daddy's new helmet
Watching Baby Einstein after he dirtied his 800th outfit for the day. I gave up and just threw one of my t-shirts on him.