A Little Bit of Everything

September 5, 2010
We've had a really busy last couple of weeks. It seems like we are doing something every weekend. It's fun though and a good way to kick off the fall time. Noah's still being a complete mess and I love every second of it, even though he wears me out. I'm still playing catch up a little on the blogging so this may be a little random. I'm trying to squeeze in everything he's been doing the last few weeks without this being 6 pages long.

He's always been a very vocal baby and that hasn't changed. However, these days he is getting a lot more aware of what sounds mean and how to say words. He still doesn't really repeat us yet but we are getting there. He now makes a "vroom" sound when he plays with cars, and when we do patty cake he says "roooolllll" while he's rolling his hands. He's started to talk/jabber when he crying and mad, which is really funny and sad. I feel for him but it's never about anything life changing :) He points at airplanes (which he has taken a liking to these days) and says "plane" although it sounds nothing like plane. It's just his word for plane. Even when we are in the house and he hears a plane, he grabs my hand, we run to the window and we BOTH have to point at the plane and say "plane". Then he usually waves at the plane. He waves at everything, except people. He is just NOT a performer. That's why I have no good videos of him doing anything. He will not do things when he is supposed to. Just when Noah wants...

He's really good at following commands though. He will do pretty much anything I ask him as long as its not something like waving, talking, or other stuff babies are supposed to do. He knows what everything is. The other day my phone was ringing and we were in another room. I was sort of joking but I said, "Noah go get Mommy's phone and bring it in here." He actually did it! I don't know why I was surprised. He does stuff like that all the time. He also loves to put lotion on now. He will hit the top of the bottle until he gets some out, then rub it all over his arms and hands, and a little in his mouth sometimes.

We've had a couple of little incidents these past couple of weeks. The first was when he was playing in his playpen. I put him in there so I could blow dry my hair. I could hear him crying but I was determined just to leave him. I was confident he would be fine so I wasn't worried about anything. Then he got really quiet, then started screaming. I just kept trying to get my hair done because I though he just wanted out. I had a bad feeling so I finally went to check on him after a couple of minutes. Sure enough, he had stuck a nut from a tool set that he has into his mouth and it got stuck on his teeth. It was completely sideways jammed in his mouth behind his teeth. Picture a really big cheerio stuck behind your teeth holding your mouth open with a hole you can breath through. That's what it looked like. I have no idea how he even got it in there. I felt terrible for just leaving him like that. Even if it was just for a minute. It took me awhile to get it out. I was afraid of chipping his teeth, even more than they already are. He was fine though and I threw away all the nuts.

The second was in his crib, another place I assume he is safe. This was kind of the same. He was in there trying to take a nap and crying. That happens a lot when Matt is home, which he was. So he was in there crying FOR EVER. Finally I gave in and went to get him. Poor Baby! He had jammed his knee in between the slats on his bed and he was STUCK! and screaming! and I couldn't get him out. He was crying so hard and every time I pulled on his leg he would scream. I could tell that it hurt and I couldn't get him. I yelled for Matt, so he came in there and got the lotion out. I talked to Noah while Matt squeezed his leg out. It was pretty traumatizing for us all. I really don't think the slats should be spaced far enough apart to do that but whatever. I wasn't to happy with the bed after that. Neither was Noah.

On a lighter note, Noah is becoming very into wrestling. We wrestle all day long every day. That's all he wants to do. If you are on the ground, you better be ready. Noah will tackle you. He also tackles Max. Max likes to lay around all sprawled out on the ground. Noah will spot him, and without Max even seeing what is coming, Noah tackles him. I mean throws his entire body on top of Max. Max doesn't really like this game as much as Noah and will swipe at Noah with his extremely effective clawless paw.

Tailgating at OSU with Uncle Cody and Aunt "C"

He insisted on getting into my drawer...there are consequences!! These pictures will haunt him forever!

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