15 Months Old

September 8, 2010

Super cheese! When I took this picture, I was saying "Cheese!" and he was repeating me and smiling! That's a big step for Noah. Plus, you can see his molars.
Noah turned 15 months old today! He is getting to be such a big boy. I finally had a talk with myself about not treating him like a baby anymore and focusing on treated him like a toddler. It was hard! I've been in baby mode for so long now that I haven't kept up with Noah. He is so ready to learn and explore and I just haven't made that a priority yet. But, things are changing! He's done pretty well learning on his own, but we are now working hard on saying more words, learning body parts, and learning how to listen and complete tasks. Oh, and learning how to sit still for reading a book. The first week of this did not go so well. He didn't want to sit still or listen to anything. But I've found a few things he likes, like singing songs, so we are learning that way. It's actually working! He can now repeat me when I say a word (sometimes), and he learned how to touch his bellybutton when I ask him where his bellybutton is. He is knows his nose, ears, eyes, foot, arm, and hair but he doesn't really point at those on command. He likes his bellybutton! He thinks its funny.

Now that I've switched gears, Noah is doing so much better. He is calmer and listens better. I didn't think just a few small changes would make such a big difference. He was just ready to grow up a little and I was holding him back. I just miss my little baby I guess! Change is hard!

He did great at his 15 month appointment. He didn't even really cry when he got his shots. That was probably due to the Dum Dum lollipop that they gave him but whatever works! He had never had a sucker before (because I'm afraid of them) but I figured if he choked in a Dr office they could take care of him. :) He now weighs 24 pounds and is 30 inches tall. He's pretty average all the way around except that he's super super cute! Sorry, I can't help myself! Also, he now has all of his first year molars in so he can chew! I don't have to worry anymore about big chunks of food like before. Although, he still prefers to eat mashed up everything. He is really big on texture. If it has a weird texture or feels chunky in his mouth his spits it out and throws it. Lots of fun! So I've just been blending up everything (again) and spoon feeding him. At least this way he eats something and I don't have a huge mess to clean up after every meal.

Playing in the laundry

He loved the rain! He played at the back door forever! You can't really tell in the pictures but it was pouring!

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