Catching up on Noah...back to week 54

June 21, 2010

Well I'm still really behind on my blogging. I have a long list going to remind me what was going on and if I don't get it on here now I'm not going to remember anything that happened last month so here goes...

Noah had his one year check-up at the doctor right after his birthday party. It went great as usual. He DID NOT like the shots this time around and cried so hard that his lips turned blue. It scared me a little but the nurse said that it was normal. She actually said that she had a little girl in there that completely passed out because she was crying so hard and wouldn't breathe. Shots are so much harder now that he knows what is going on. He's doing great on his weight and height. He's 21 lbs and 1 oz now and is 29.5 inches tall. He looks like a little frog with his long skinny legs and chubby belly but he's such a cutie! I had the doctor check his ears really good though because he has been pulling on them constantly and she said that he is getting his first molars in and that's why his ears are bothering him so much. Poor baby! He has always been an early teether so I'm not surprised that he is getting them already. Hopefully it won't be too hard on him.

We also took Noah to his first baseball game to see the Redhawks play. He had a lot of fun watching all the people for about 30 mins then he was done. He was all over the place and wore us all completely out! It was very fun though and we got some really cute pictures. I'm sure there will be a million more baseball games in our future if his daddy has anything to do with it.

We've been having some trouble getting his to eat his food these days. Maybe because of his molars -- who knows. But all he does at his mealtimes is play with his food then throw it down to Zoe. I've been trying to give him more of his favorites like avocados and cheese but it hardly helps. Everyone says not to worry about it and he'll eat when he is hungry enough. He's definitely not starving...the kid gets bigger every day! Speaking of food...we are about halfway done with the weaning process. He is doing okay with the not nursing part but not so great with the drinking milk from a sippy part. It takes him FOREVER to get an entire bottle down. He messes with it for a least an hour every time if not longer. He'll take a couple of swigs then throws it as hard as he can. Then he goes and gets it a few minutes later. And we do that pretty much the entire day. Hopefully he will get the hang of sitting down and drinking his whole bottle at once.

Weaning has been a fairly easy process so far. My plan was to drop one feeding each week for a month (he nurses 4 times a day now) starting with the late afternoon feeding, then the lunchtime one, next the bedtime feeding, and the morning one last. We are now down to two nursing sessions a day, the morning one and the bedtime one. I haven't had any problems at all so it's probably been one of the easiest things we've done in terms of breastfeeding. Although, even though it's been a challenge, I've LOVED nursing Noah and am so thankful that it worked so well for us. It's been such a blessing to have that time with him and I'll always cherish that.

He's starting to really learn things quickly these days so I'm having trouble remember all of it. A few of the highlights are waving bye-bye (at the appropriate time and everything!), sometimes even saying "bye-bye", riding his new truck by himself, wiping his own face with napkins, dancing all the time --- he REALLY loves the square dancing part on his Baby MacDonald video and dances like crazy to it, unscrewing caps on bottles (I found that one out the hard way, he was holding a full bottle of water while I was carrying him and suddenly found myself drenched), pushing our chairs around while he walks with them, and sticking out his tongue ALL THE TIME.

Crazy hair after his naptime

Just having a little yogurt...these pictures don't even come close to showing the huge mess he made with that one

Noah's Birthday Bash

June 12, 2010

We had a ton of fun at Noah's 1st birthday party, as you can see. Noah actually had a great time with everyone. I think his favorite part was eating the cake and playing in the sand but he had fun all day. He didn't even take an afternoon nap that day, was terrified of the bouncer, and still had fun. What a trooper!

Happy 1st Birthday!

June 8, 2010
Well, the big day has finally arrived! Noah is ONE! I really really can't believe that he is that old already. It's been such a fantastic year with him and I couldn't ask for more. We are so so blessed to have this little guy as part of our lives. Who could want more out of life than a smart, healthy, beautiful little boy??

We started off his birthday with cooking a big breakfast of his very favorite food...PANCAKES! He got to eat as many as he wanted (with peanut butter and syrup of course) and got to make as big of a mess as he wanted. He definitely took advantage! I had a HUGE mess to clean up and a very full baby but we had a great morning. After that, we took Noah to Eischen's to eat some fried chicken. He really loved the place because of all the lights and music but wasn't that into the food. He ate a couple of bites of chicken and some pickles but that's about it. The rest of us REALLY enjoyed our food though, especially since Noah was so distracted by the lights.

Noah got tons of great presents for his birthday. But I'd say that his favorite (and messiest) was the sand/water table. He LOVES that thing and will scream when I finally try to bring him back inside. He tried to eat the sand and found out the hard way that it wasn't a good idea. He didn't like it at all and wouldn't close his mouth. He then attempted to dig it out with a sand covered hand and that didn't work either. Finally, mama had to step in a wash his mouth out with water. Hopefully, we won't be doing that again! But, even so, he loves the sand and digs, buries things, throws it, puts it in the water, and pretty much anything else you can thing of doing with sand. He was filthy after playing but very happy!!

I can't really explain this picture except to say that maybe I should give him more water....


Clapping! (Finally)

June 3, 2010

Okay, so here's proof that Noah has finally learned how to clap. It only took him 8 months to learn how but I'm okay with that. The main thing is that he can do it! He started clapping in his highchair for no apparent reason the other day and was having so much fun that I thought he might stick with it long enough for me to grab the camera. This is rare footage that you are about to see! He was having a lot more fun before I got the camera but, hey, you get what you get. He also had some fun in the car seat today clapping, jabbering, then throwing his hands up and laughing. Matt and I were cracking up!

51 Weeks Old - One More To Go!

June 1, 2010
I love this picture because it perfectly shows off his personality. He is such a little stinker but he cracks me up all day long. This week Noah got a new tooth on the bottom. He is now up to 7 teeth with another one well on its way. He has a mouthful! He not only has a lot of teeth but they are pretty large for baby teeth, especially on the top.

We've also been spending a ton of time outside this past week since the weather has been so nice. He LOVES outside and can't wait to get out there and play. Inside is a little boring so it's good for us both. He does eat a lot of grass though so I have to watch him closely.

We still aren't getting any closer to walking so no new news on that front. He has stood up a couple of times for about 10 seconds by himself but that's about it. He thinks it's a really fun game to plop down on his butt every time I try to stand him up. He absolutely refuses to even try to take a step. Hopefully next week we will get closer. Noah is one of those kids that won't do anything until he is 100% ready to do it, but once he's ready he does it with no problems. He's on his own time table and couldn't care less about what I want him to do. He still won't mimic me at all. I know that he knows exactly what I'm trying to get him to do but refuses to do it because he doesn't feel like it. He claps quite a bit now but if I see him doing it or start clapping with him he stops immediately. Who knows? I'm just going with it.

His new favorite activity - pretend stirring in the bowls with a whisk
Goofing off with his spoon - his new favorite game at meal time