New Things I'm Doing

February 22, 2010

Wow! This past week has been absolutely crazy! Noah has always changed a lot very quickly but nothing like this week. He has gone from being pretty stationary to totally mobile in just a few short days. Time to re-learn everything again! It seems like every time I finally get him figured out and we are in a good groove he does a 180 on me and changes. He's doing so many funny things now and his little personality is really starting to shine. He loves to be goofy and have fun. He loves to talk and yell. He LOVES to eat!!

He is now able to crawl pretty much everywhere, and he goes from a lying down position to sitting to crawling and back again no problem. He still rolls like crazy and reverts to that when crawling becomes too tiresome. My favorite is when he grunts and huffs while he's crawling like he's just making the biggest effort to get those little arms and legs going. It always makes me laugh.

He is now eating several new things and absolutely loves it. His favorite are puffs, yogurt melts, and fresh fruit through his feeder. He feeds himself all of these things which is great for me because I can put him in the highchair with a few puffs and he's happy. Most of it does end up on the floor but Zoe gets LOTS of treats now. I would discourage this but it seems to have really solidified Zoe and Noah's relationship and now they are best buds! Zoe follows him everywhere, and never snaps at him anymore no matter what he does. They play really well together although sometimes Zoe gets a little too much in his face. He puts his hands over his face and yells at her. It's really funny! They play tug of war a lot with Noah's socks and Zoe chews on his hands (don't worry I wash them thoroughly when they're done). I'm glad they like each other now.

Oh, by the way, he also now has a total of 6 teeth. Four on the top and two on the bottom. I'll try to get a shot of them for next week.

Eating puffs with Zoe catching crumbs


Video showcasing all of Noah's new tricks!

First Time Crawling!!

February 17, 2010

Okay so I thought it would be a week or so before I was writing this BUT today Noah crawled for the first time! It was so exciting but now I'm a little nervous about him just going wherever he wants whenever he wants. He has only been doing it for a few hours now and he already won't stay in one spot anymore. He immediately gets on all fours and he's off! I guess the easy days are officially over (although I don't think I would really call them easy). Anyway, here's a video of his first time crawling:

You may be wondering about the coffee cup....
Well, he needed a lot of motivation to get going the first time and he REALLY wanted that cup. I tried to get him to go after toys, a sippy, and finally a cup of water, but he only wanted the coffee. Yes it was hot. Yes I tried to be careful. He just wants what he's not supposed to have and if he knows I don't want him to have it then that's all he wants.
Fortunately, he didn't spill it and no one got burned. And, the most important thing, I got a great video in the process! I'm so proud of you Noah!

Happy Valentine's Day

February 15, 2010

We had a great Valentine's Day with Noah this year. He obviously didn't know much was going on but he did enjoy getting some little presents from Mom and Dad. He also got lots of fun cards from everyone and I read them to him but he just wanted to play with/eat them. Mom and Dad came up on Saturday to babysit so Matt and I could go out for dinner. We went to Saii (sushi) and it was delicious!! We had a great time and it was nice to get some adult time. We were home by 8:30 though. Goes with the territory I guess...

Noah has been sick this week. Yuck!! It's not fun but I am very thankful that he made it 8+ months without being sick once. We went to the Dr today and found out he has a little bit of an ear infection, congestion, cough, and fever. Nothing too bad but he's not feeling to great. We've had a few rough nights and his naps are all out of whack but he's slowly getting better. I did get to see how much he weighs now and he's up to......19.4 lbs!! Big boy!

He's still been as active as ever and he just gets more interested in everything around him everyday. He's now trying to pull up on everything and still getting closer to crawling. Not quite there yet though. He tries REALLY hard to get to his toys but he still can't do it. I'm guessing that next week I'll be writing about him officially crawling for the first time. I can't wait!

I know...he's a genius! Only 8 months old and he can already spell and stack up his name...

Walking with Daddy

Already 8 Months Old

February 8, 2010

My baby turned 8 months old on Monday. I can't believe how big he is now. Everything is going by so fast but he just gets more fun and more cute every single day. I absolutely adore him and can't even imagine my life without him. Having a baby is a lot of work but nothing has been or will ever be more worthy of my time and effort. I love my little stinker SO SO much!!

This week he finally got his top tooth pushed through. It's been a long time coming but it's finally here! Now he can really bite me hard! It hurts, I'm not gonna lie, but he doesn't understand that yet and just chomps away on just about anything that gets near his mouth. I try not to scare him by freaking out so I just calmly say, "Noah don't bite mommy" and he smiles at me and that distracts him.

He's also getting a little better everyday at the crawling thing. He is slowly getting more brave about trying to move forward. I like to put toys in front of him and tell him to go get them. He reaches for them so hard and gets really frustrated when he can't get them, so he launches himself forward and lands on his face. He can move a little bit forward on his hands and knees by doing this but he usually ends up resorting to rolling towards it. Any day now I expect him to catch on. I'm excited but pretty nervous about having a mobile baby. He's already in everything within reach and we are NOT prepared for him to be able to get in everything around the house.

He's learned a few new tricks this week. He gives me a bite of his cracker if I say, "give mommy a bite" and open my mouth. He reaches towards me and shoves the cracker in my mouth, pretty rough sometimes, but it's really cute! He still loves playing with Zoe and Max and tries to play fetch with Zoe. He doesn't really understand but you can see his mind working trying to figure out what she wants. He just laughs and laughs at them. He LOVES when Zoe growls at me when we're playing! He's just so rough already and the harder we play the more he likes it. We had a couple of "playdates" this week with my cousins kids and Braydon and one of his friends. Noah really enjoys other kids and watches them so intently. I put him down on the floor both times and he happily played with them for over an hour each time. I was surprised that he liked the older kids so much but he did. I though he might be a little scared of them but he wasn't at all.

He's still having a lot of separation anxiety with me but I'm just trying to enjoy it. I know the day will come when I'll be lucky to get a few minutes with him and I'll miss these days when he only wants to be with me. I'm trying not to give in to it every time but it's hard. Usually once I'm out of his sight he calms down after a few minutes. It's mainly when he sees me that he gets worked up.

Rolled/scooted under the couch all by himself!

Feeding mommy his cracker

Hanging out with Aunt B