January 25, 2010
Hello all! Time for my weekly Noah update. He had a couple of big firsts this week that I'm excited to report. He is now able to get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth very easily. He does it constantly! Here's the proof (you can tell by his expression that he's still not sure what to do next):
I know crawling is now a matter of weeks away if not sooner. The first time I saw him do it was in his crib Monday night. Since then he's gradually been doing it more and more. Now every time I put him on his stomach he immediately gets into this position. It's so exciting but I'm nervous about having a mobile baby. He is very active so this is going to be hard. I also saw him (on the monitor) get into a sitting position on his own during his naptime on Friday during his morning nap. This is also a big first for him. Time to move the mattress down a few notches! I'm convinced that the first time I will see him crawl is on the monitor while he is supposed to be sleeping. He's VERY active in the crib when he's going down to sleep.
Speaking of sleeping....
He's doing great with the crib transition still. He goes down for bed at night (around 8:30) very easily and doesn't cry at all. He rolls over a couple of times and is out. He sleeps until about 7:30 the next morning. He's pretty consistant and does the same thing every night. Naps are a little more difficult though. He still cries at every nap for about 30 mins. It's not screaming crying just whining and talking to himself. We don't rock him to sleep at all anymore and he is completely off the pacifier and swaddle. No more sleep props! Yea! I know so many people that struggle with getting their kids off these things and I'm so thankful that we didn't have to deal with that. I didn't really do anything special. I just watched him closely and I could tell when he was ready to drop something. Actually, I probably stuck with things longer than he really needed or wanted it but it's hard sometimes to let those things go. Like rocking...or having them sleep in your room. I'm glad to say that we toughed it out and Noah is doing great! He does get into some strange sleeping positions though. Here's his favorite:
I don't like it but he does. I check on him a million times to make sure he can still breathe and I try to scoot him out of the corner but he just scoots right back. Oh well...he's fine I guess.
He's also starting to understand a lot more of what I say to him. He knows hi, bye, bite, drink, Max, Zoe, mama, and daddy. I know this only because he does the same thing everytime I say these words to him. Like I say "bite" and he opens his mouth. "Drink" the same. "Max, Zoe, and Daddy" and he looks around for them. "Mama" and he smiles at me. It's really fun to commuicate with him. He still babbles constantly but no real words yet. He does yell, "Ma!" when he's mad or I try to wipe his face off (which he hates) but I'm not sure if he really knows what he is saying or if it's just an accident. I like to think that he knows exactly what he's saying. I have a feeling that he's going to be one of those kids whose constantly yelling, "Mom!" He also really knows his name now and whips his head around to look whenever he hears it. He also responds to Stinker so he may think that's his name...oops!
This was a fun week since we actually had some nice weather. We dusted off the stroller and took Noah for a few outside walks. He loves being outside so he really enjoyed getting some fresh air. It's also time for me to pack up all the 3-6 month clothes. He can't wear any of them anymore. Even some of his 6-9 month stuff is already too small. This is also hard for me. I don't like packing up his old stuff, especially the really cute stuff that he wore all the time. I'm not good with the growing up so fast! I miss the little baby! He is such a goof ball now though so we do have a lot of fun together. He has such a big personality already. He loves to laugh and laughs at absolutely anything and everything. I love Friends and I was thinking about this episode where Joey is talking about Emma laughing for an hour at this Elmo cup and that is totally Noah! He just laughs at everything! He likes to doing something he thinks is funny, like sticking out his tongue and spitting everywhere, then crack up. He does it over and over. He also laughs when he toots really loud! He really LOVES to play tug of war with me and totally cracks up. He likes it when I try to take stuff away from him and say, "give me that!". He latches onto it and starts laughing. He's actually pretty strong and can usually pull it right back from me. The rougher we play the more he likes it. Typical boy!
Other things he's really into this week are screaming at the top of his lungs when he doesn't get his way, chewing on his fingers like crazy (still no top teeth but I can see them), and getting more attached to me. He cries pretty much everytime I'm out of his sight. It's not a long cry, just a little temper tantrum then he's over it. So it's better if I stay out of his sight if he's doing something like playing with daddy. He has a ball until he sees me, then the crying starts. He just wants my attention constantly. I like it but then again I don't like it. I want to be able to leave him and know that he's having fun, but I like that he wants me.
Standing up all by himself -- such a big boy!
Rosy Cheeks!
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