1/2 Year Old!

December 14, 2009

So Noah is officially 6 months old now. I simply don't know where the time went. I try to remember him as a little, helpless baby and I just can't. It is all fading away already. I am so thankful now that I have this blog and all the pictures to help me remember what he was like back then. I miss that little baby, but this older one is so much fun! He is every bit a little boy. He is trouble, he's always dirty (and smelly), and always pushing the limits. Already. I don't know what I'm going to do with him when he gets older. He has such a STRONG personality already. He knows what he wants and does whatever it takes to get it. I really try not to let him get control but it's hard. Sometimes I feel like I do nothing but fight him all day long. I'm really proud of him though. He's such a perfect baby, even with all the craziness. I think it's just because he's really smart and gets things figured out quickly. He definitely has me figured out!

We had his 6 month check up this week. He is still doing great and right in the middle on everything. He weighs 17 lbs 4 oz and is 26 inches long. Pretty big but less than I thought. He's very strong and stout. He got more shots and hated every minute of it. He screamed until we were back safely in the car and out of that place. Shots are WAY worse now that he is older. Next check up is at 9 months and I've already heard that's the worse one by far. Apparently, they take blood. Yea! can't wait for that!

We finally got some drops for his poor little eyes. I guess he has an infection. They are always nasty even though I clean them out about 20 times a day. Hopefully this works!

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