17 Weeks Old

October 5, 2009

Almost 4 months old! It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital, but I will probably still be saying that when he turns 18. I weighed with him today and as far as I can tell he's a little over 16 pounds now. We will find out for sure next week at his four month checkup. He is getting so big! Now he is starting to get really long and not just fat. His arms are so long that none of his long sleeved outfits fit him. The next biggest size is still way too big so I guess we will just tough it out for a couple more months. He is into 3-6 month size now. His legs are still a little short though - he can still wear 0-3 month size pants. Maybe that's just a baby thing though. Chances are he will end up with extremely long legs.

He is also a VERY active baby. He likes constant attention and is usually not too happy if I leave him alone very long. He likes to play on his play mat a lot and can last there about 20 minutes or so. He is grabbing at everything in sight! He especially likes to grab my face, hands, shirt, and hair. It is his favorite thing to do right now. He also really likes to rub things. Last night when I put him down he spent about 30 minutes just rubbing the side of the bassinet. He really liked to rub the velcro strips. He also rubs my hands and arms all the time. I guess he is getting more aware that different things feel different. So, since I noticed this, I thought it would be fun to let him start petting Max and Zoe. Zoe really like it and licked all over his hands (don't worry I cleaned them really good), but Max was a different story. Noah really liked Max's fur so he dug both hands in really good and got two big handfuls of hair and skin. Then he pulled. HARD. Needless to say I don't think Max will be getting anywhere near Noah for awhile.

I think Noah is starting to do a little preteething. He drools SO much and chews on everything in sight. If my finger is anywhere near his mouth he just chews away on it. I was reading about it and they say babies start preteething at 4 months so I guess it's time. Mom said we all started getting teeth about 5 months, and apparently that's something that is heredity. So, he will probably have a few teeth here in a couple of months.

I finally got a good video of him rolling over. Here it is:

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