On being pregnant...

The rest of the pregnancy went very good. The second trimester was a lot more fun than the first, so I started to think maybe I would have more kids. We had our second ultrasound on January 5th and found out that we were having a boy. Everyone had made their guess about what we were having and nearly everyone had guessed boy. My mom is convinced that she knew from the moment she saw the first ultrasound picture that it was a boy. To her credit, she did insist that it was a boy from the very beginning. I guess she has a talent for that. My dad said she did the same thing with all of us girls and was right every time. The ultrasound was amazing! He was very active and kicking his little arms and legs everywhere, which surprised me since I still couldn't feel a thing. They also found out that the placenta was a little low lying, so I had to schedule another ultrasound to be done at 30 weeks to check if it had moved up. I was a little worried about it, but more excited because that meant that we got to see the baby one more time before he arrived.

Around 2o weeks or so I started to be able to feel the baby move. At first I wasn't too sure if it was the baby or not, but eventually it became pretty obvious that it was him. He was very active throughout the entire pregnancy which was really fun for me. I could poke his feet and he would kick me back. It was really fun! We played a lot in those days.

We went in for the 3rd ultrasound on March 27th. Everything turned out to be okay and the baby was already in the head down position. I was really expecting to be able to see a lot at this ultrasound, but that was not the case. Everything was SO scrunched up that we couldn't tell what anything was. The only thing that was obvious was that he was definitely a boy (no surprises there thankfully) and that he had really big lips.

As I got closer to my due date on June 11, I got REALLY uncomfortable. At about 32 or 33 weeks, I could barely walk and was going to the bathroom about a hundred times a day. I also could not sleep at all. I had about 9 pillows (not kidding) and I still couldn't get comfortable. When I started going to my weekly appointments during the last 4 weeks, I found out why. His head was so low already that when the doctor checked me at the first appointment she was really shocked. His head was already at zero station and I was dilated to a 1.

By the third weekly appointment (about 2 weeks from my due date) his head was at plus one station and I was between a 3 and 4. I felt like he was going to come out any second. We then decided to go ahead and induce instead of waiting since he was so ready to come. It made things a lot easier on us since Matt has such a crazy work schedule. We scheduled the delivery for Monday, June 8th. I was a nervous wreck that last week, knowing that on Monday we were going to have a baby to bring home. I had gotten pretty used to being pregnant, but now we were actually going to be parents!

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